Dear Dorchester Families,
What a busy week it has been this week – particularly as Mrs Bell has been away with the Year 6 residential children and staff and therefore I have had the pleasure of leading the school in her absence. You will by now have received your child’s annual report detailing all the wonderful progress that they have made this year. Please follow the link in the previous School Comms message which will take you to the report letter and link to our google form to acknowledge that you have read it. This is your opportunity to leave feedback about the report and make any comments.
It has been wonderful to see so many parents and carers at both KS1 and Years 3 and 4 Sports Days this week. The weather was kind to us and we have managed for the first time in a few years to hold all the Sports Days on the dates that they were originally planned. Thank you to Mrs Jenkinson and the PE team for all their hard work in putting the events together.
Other highlights have been the skipping workshops that some year groups participated in on Tuesday and the performance of the Djembe Drums by Year 2 following their whole class instrumental lessons this term.
We know that many families will be watching the Euro final on Sunday evening and have taken the decision for Monday morning to provide parents with the following option. School will be open and lessons will begin as normal with registers closing at 8:45. If your child does stay up to watch the match and you think they would benefit from a later start, we will re-open the registers between 10:00am and 10:15am for children to arrive then instead and they will not be marked late if they arrive during this window. We ask that, in order to minimise disruption to the learning of those children who are in from the beginning of the day and to allow the important work undertaken by the office staff, that parents and carers choose to bring your children in either at normal time OR 10:00am but not other times in between.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Gemma Hall
Deputy Headteacher