Dear Dorchester Families,
We've ended the half term much as we started it - lots of fantastic learning and a diary packed with fixtures, events and Wow Days. Do make sure you read the News, Sports News and Class Notes below to keep up with all that has been going on - your children are a very impressive bunch.
As we head into half term, I would like to remind everyone about our Uniform Policy (available at /page/?title=Uniform&pid=62 ). We have seen an increase in families not following the policy - mainly in the following areas:
- Children are only permitted to come into school wearing PE kit on the days when they have their PE lessons or Forest School, and should be in their correct uniform on other days.
- When in uniform, children should wear black school shoes only - not trainer, ballet pump or boot style shoes, flat heeled only. If the weather deems it necessary, children can wear wellington boots to school and bring their school shoes to change into.
- No jewellery is allowed in school. This includes bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Nail varnish is also not permitted.
- For sports kit, joggers/leggings should be plain black - no stripes/logos etc - we even get glitter and sequins sometimes!
- Long hair must be tied back at school (for boys and girls)
As always, if your financial situation means you are unable to provide the correct uniform for your child, please contact the office and we will do our best to support you.
It is wonderful when our children look smart, and feel part of their community, and many of the recommendations are also for health and safety reasons, so I thank you for supporting your child/ren to follow our uniform policy at all times.
We are looking forward to welcoming children to our Willow Club Holiday Club next week. I've heard exciting things about Pizza making on Monday and, of course, pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. We still have some spaces available; they can be booked on School Gateway.
On behalf of everyone at school, we wish you all a happy and restful half term break. We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday 19th February.
Cathy Bell