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Our Staff & Governors

We are fortunate indeed to have such a caring and committed team behind Dorchester Primary School.  Our teaching and support staff have wide ranging expertise and interests that we love sharing with our pupils.

We are supported by an active Governing Body which supports the school by maintaining a strategic oversight of the school and by offering support and challenge to the school's leadership team.

Leadership Team

  • Cathy Bell


  • Gemma Hall

    Deputy Head

  • Ian Love

    School Business Manager

  • Dave Dennis

    Assistant Head and Year 3 Class Teacher

  • Sheena Hindocha


  • Becki Baldwin

    Learning Leader - Year 1, Behaviour Lead and Design and Technology Learning Leader

  • Katherine Butler

    Learning Leader - English

  • Michaela Cucharo

    Learning Leader - Year 4 and Music Learning Leader

  • Annabel Glover

    EYFS Lead and Phonics Learning Leader

  • Melissa Macaulay

    Maths Learning Leader and Assessment Lead

  • Chloe Marwood

    Learning Leader - Year 3 and Computing Learning Leader

  • Suzanne Rankin

    Learning Leader - Year 5 and Science Learning Leader

  • Mica Wesson

    Year 2 Learning Leader and PSHE Lead

  • Kay Wyman

    Learning Leader - Year 6 and Curriculum Design Leader