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Junior Duke Awards registration still open


We have reopened registration for the Duke awards again until Monday 14th. Any parent or carer can register their interest in taking part in the awards this year, from Nursery to Year 6.

For families in Nursery, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 the cost is £10 and there is a link on School Gateway to be able to make the payment once your interest has been registered on the form below.

For Reception children, funded by the school - but please see below for details!

If your child is in Reception, we would like to remind you that we are able to offer to fund the Micro Duke awards for Reception families who are interested in taking part and will commit to supporting their child's Micro Duke journey over the year.

As you know, the awards do require family's input to support children in achieving their certificate and badge over the year - so if you as Reception parent feel this is something you will be able to help your child with, then please do register your interest below and we will happily fund the award for you as a 'Welcome to Dorchester' gift.

The reason we kindly ask for commitment, is that the awards cost us £10 per child, and we do not want to purchase books, certificates and badges for families who will not support their child on their journey of completing and logging activities along the way, leaving unused books badges and certificates to go to waste. With budgets being tight, we hope you can appreciate why we are asking!

If you feel for whatever reason these awards are not for your Reception child, then you do not need to complete the form below - but we would encourage families to consider doing so as the awards really do bring the most wonderful developmental and learning opportunities to your children, with a lovely book of evidence to have as a keepsake at the end of the year.


Kindest regards, 

Mr Dennis

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