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Governor's Ambassador Meeting Visit

We had a governor's visit this week who had kindly requested to attend our Faith and Culture and Language Ambassadors meetings. We discussed what the children had taken part in and achieved over the year - reflecting on the successes and what could be improved from September for the next round of children who would succeed them in these roles. Our governor commented positively on how important it was to be offering such leadership opportunities, given the increasingly diverse nature of our school. We also thought about some next steps for them too, which was extremely useful.

"I really like being able to share all about our faiths and celebrations to the whole school, sharing who we are with everyone feels really special." Naveena, Y4

The children then got the chance to write their own personal profiles for what they had most enjoyed about holding these roles. These will hopefully inspire the next round of selected ambassadors which will be voted for and selected in September. It was noted that some children wanted to remain in these roles for two years! And we discussed why it was important that these changed annually, to ensure that everyone throughout their time at Dorchester got to lead in different areas of the wider curriculum over time, diversifying the leaders and varying opportunities for all.