Junior Leadership Team School Updates
It was brought to my attention that JLT information was not being posted on the newsletter - which is such a shame since they have been working hard on improving our school in our fortnightly meetings. So, expect fortnightly updates from now on!
Highlights from recent meetings for all to know about are:
As a JLT, we are campaigning for a redesign of the maze in the playground. The maze can no longer be used and JLT discussed at length what might be built there in place, then we decided that this should be a school wide design competition which will be shared with everyone before the Easter break. Next week's newsletter will have all the information you will need!
In other news:
- JLT discussed concerns about some recent conduct on the playground, some notable advice they came up with was:
1. Safe play with sticks - sticks cannot be owned! Nor can digging holes! We all need to share the great spaces in our playground. We encourage creative and constructive play, but it must be done fairly and safely.
2. Speak to staff at the earliest possibility to try resolve any issues on the playground.
2. Clean off muddy shoes on the grass area before coming in to school as recently lots of children have been leaving mud in corridors and classrooms. Even better, bring in spare trainers or wellies if you are planning on digging in the muddy/bushy areas.
3. Climbing of trees is OK as long as they are above soft ground, and the branches are thick enough to support them, and they are able to get up and down safely.
4. Climbing on fences adjacent to the school is not OK, there have been some areas broken or damaged through careless climbing and JLT, SLT and the premises manager want this to stop for everyone's safety.
5. Reminder to all that any sort of play-fighting, wrestling or overly physical play, even on the gastro grass area, is dangerous and could lead to accidents.
And finally, we have our Parliament JLT visit booked for June/July time, where all JLT members will be having a tour and debating workshop up at the Houses of Parliament - what an enriching experience this will be for them.