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  • Well done Joshua on the cello!

    Published 21/12/23

    Well done Joshua in Year 5 for completing his cello performance for his Junior Duke music challenge!

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  • Tea Time Concert Success!

    Published 14/12/23

    Our first ever tea-time concert was a great success and a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon! On Wednesday, lots of children had the chance to perform either on an instrument or sing with a choir or group - read on to find out more...

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  • Supporting Neurodiverse Children

    Published 14/12/23

    The single most helpful strategy for parents of children with ADHD and/or “high-functioning” autism is validating your child’s thoughts and feelings by showing interest and empathy. Sometimes, their emotional intensity is fuelled by talk of “overreacting,” “acting like a baby,” or “stretching the truth.” Children are people, too. Their feelings matter, even if they react in a manner out of scale for the situation and/or their age. Minimising or dismissing their thoughts and feelings makes them feel like their ideas and problems don’t matter — like they don’t matter. Validating their thoughts and feelings, in turn, makes them feel understood and loved — isn’t that the goal?

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  • Christmas at Christ Church with St Philip

    Published 04/12/23

    Everyone is welcome to join the Christmas Celebrations at Christ Church with St Philip.

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  • The Day the Donkeys Came

    Published 01/12/23

    We had a wonderful day with Flash and Dermot visiting our school.

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  • Scrapstore Success and Mixed Age Sports Zone

    Published 24/11/23
    We've had such a fun few weeks with the Scrapstore playpod's introduction, and along side it, our team sports zone is still out in full force every day. What has been so wonderful about this zone is the mixed age sports matches taking place.
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  • We Will Remember Them

    Published 14/11/23

    Our children represented us brilliantly at the Remembrance Sunday service at the Worcester Park War Memorial.

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  • Lullaby Trust Fundraising Christmas Craft Fair 18th November

    Published 10/11/23
    Safer sleep for babies, Support for families The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families. Please come along to this
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  • Understanding and Supporting Your Child with Autism Spectrum Condition

    Published 10/11/23
    Autism in children can present a wide array of complex needs - whether diagnosed or undiagnosed, there can be challenges put before families which you may feel you cannot find answers to. Aside from the help of our wonderful SEND and pastor
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  • Supporting Children with big emotions - Zones of Regulation

    Published 10/11/23
    Children's behaviour, particularly at primary age, can often be challenging and at times exhausting. Dysregulation can be upsetting for all people involved, and you are not alone in thinking that at times you might feel helpless and not know wher
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  • Buzz Club Updates

    Published 20/10/23

    Read all about what Buzz Club have been up to this half term...

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  • FODS News

    Published 19/10/23

    The latest from our PTA

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