How do you think Macbeth will be found out?
Year 6 News
In English, Year 6 have been discovering part of the famous play by William Shakespeare - 'Macbeth'. We have been reading a simplified version of the first part and the children will be writing a newspaper report about the death of King Duncan. They have been planning what those interviewed might have said and speculating on the ending. In Maths , we have been recapping knowledge about area and perimeter and using that to solve problems. Earlier this week, Lavender Class enjoyed an excellent trip to Wimbledon Synagogue and were fascinated to see some of the artefacts they have learnt about in RE, for real. (Amethyst Class have already been, and Purple Class will be going soon). Our new Geography topic is about Global Trade and the children have been finding out how it became global and why so much of our food here in the UK is imported. In Science, we have been planning an experiment to find out how to change the brightness of a bulb in an electric circuit. The children will be carrying out the practical side of this next week. This week, the children have found out about their high schools, and we would like to commend them all, for being very sensible.