What new facts did you find out about your World Cup country?
Year 6 News
The World Cup is here - and many of Year 6 children are very keen to update the wall charts we have in our classrooms and keep everyone up to date with developments, especially now that the knockout stages are beginning. There has been so many geographical discussions going on and studying of the world maps in our classrooms, as well as discussions about equality and fairness for all - one of our pillars underpinning our curriculum. 'Dip and Do' Homework has also been World-Cup related and the children have produced excellent work around the various teams and countries involved. In Maths, we have been exploring using related facts to help with multiplication and division of decimals. Their knowledge and understanding of place value has really been put to the test! In English, we are writing a newspaper report based on the end of 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' and the children are working hard to include passive voice and relative clauses.