Which aspect of Junior Citizens surprised you the most?
Year 6 News
After a slightly damp walk to the Sutton Life Centre on Tuesday, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed 'Junior Citizens': a free scheme offered by the local authority, to help Year 6 children to become more independent. We met representatives from the School Nursing Service, who talked about healthy eating; 'Transform', who talked about Childline; London Fire Brigade - potential fire hazards and what to do in case of a house fire; Sutton Police - cybersecurity and safe passwords; Transport for London - safety on trains and station platforms; London Ambulance Service - some very basic First Aid and British Transport Police - being safe when travelling on buses and the London Underground. Many of these issues form part of our PSHE curriculum and to have the experts deliver the talks, was a real privilege. It was an excellent afternoon and the children were praised for their manners, enthusiasm and good behaviour. In Maths, we have finally finished our long unit of work on Fractions, and we have ended on a realm 'high' with many children feeling confident about their increased knowledge and skills. Our English has all been about preparing for our next Star Writing next week - a diary entry based on 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'.