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Year 6 News

You can find all the weekly news from Year 6 linked below.

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  • How did Michael feel about the voyage?

    Published 28/06/24
    We have been really getting to grips with 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morgorgo this week and have been taking a cross-curricular approach. Atlases were in use to plot the journey that the family took around the world, as well as r
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  • What surprised you about the lamb's heart?

    Published 20/06/24

    Year 6 enjoyed a fascinating Science lesson this week, as part of our topic on the Circulatory System- one of our highlights of the school year! In groups, the children wore aprons and gloves to dissect a lamb's heart, using a proper scalpel. They were shown how to use the scalpel correctly and all were encouraged to try. The children explored the various chambers of the heart, as well as the valves, and were extremely interested finding out about how it felt to touch.

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  • How did this model help you to understand how the lungs work?

    Published 13/06/24

    As part of our Science topic about the Circulatory System, the children have made models of a lung, using a plastic bottle and 2 balloons. They were able to use vocabulary such as 'diaphragm' , 'oxygen' and 'trachea' to explain this. It was quite tricky to stretch the balloons correctly and the children needed to persevere to complete it but many did, and they were excited to watch the inner balloon expand.

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  • What surprised you from our Drugs Awareness/Mental Health talk?

    Published 06/06/24

    Year 6 have had a visitor from the charity Narconon, who visit schools to deliver key information about the dangers of different types of drugs, including cigarettes, vapes, alcohol, caffeine in energy drinks etc. We also learnt about the reasons why some people decide to experiment and the effects on mental health as well as physical health. It was a fascinating talk and the children were very engaged by the information given. They behaved well and asked some thoughtful questions.

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  • In your Star Writing, what are you most proud of?

    Published 23/05/24

    This week, Year 6 have been working very hard to write an entertaining story, based on the short film 'Alma'. There has been a particular focus on creating an atmosphere which they are becoming much more skilled at. The children have worked brilliantly with learning partners, to edit and improve each other's stories and have been excited to share their results.

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  • Well Done Year 6!

    Published 17/05/24

    Well done to all the children who were able to be in and take on (and breeze through!) their SATS this week. A great achievement. Huge appreciation and thanks to the Year 6 staff for their tireless efforts supporting them through and beyond. Thanks also to all staff who supported throughout the tests.  Thanks of course for all home and parental support too in the lead up. Now, Year 6 have their end of year performance to rehearse for, their residential to get ready for as well as produce their best writing ever...amongst other amazing Year 6 activities too!

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  • What advice would you give to a child who is about to receive their first mobile phone?

    Published 09/05/24

    In PSHE this week, we have been exploring a 'hot' topic: mobile phone safety. The children had a lot to contribute to the discussion and were surprised at some statistics. They had opportunities to consider the 'pros' and 'cons' as well as how to respond to a range of scenarios.

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  • What was your favourite part of the Year 6 Revision Day (Polling Day)?

    Published 02/05/24

    The Year 6 children loved their revision day with their very own personalised timetable to complete, which guided them through the day. They had lessons in Reading, Maths, SPAG, Music and PE and many commented that it was a taster of what high school would be like. 

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  • Year 6: What strategies did you use to solve puzzles like these?

    Published 25/04/24

    This week in Maths, the children have been revising their knowledge of the four rules of number and algebra. They tried puzzles like these and then made up some of their own, which they thoroughly enjoyed.

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  • Year 6: Can you give an example of a word that is both a verb and a noun and use them correctly in sentences?

    Published 18/04/24

    As part of our Grammar revision, Year 6 children have been practising words whcih can be nouns as well as verbs, in a fun activity called a Tarsia. This is a little like a jigsaw or a matching game, but it was quite tricky to complete. The children had fantastic conversations whilst solving the puzzle and really understood how the verb 'to walk' can also be a noun. For example - go for a walk.

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  • Which aspect of your DT project were you most proud of and why?

    Published 28/03/24

    This week, the children have been exploring 2d and 3d shapes, with particular focus on using the correct terminology accurately. It has also been an exciting challenge to draw their own nets correctly, using protractors and rulers.

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  • Year 6: What was your 'Personal Best' this week in PE?

    Published 21/03/24

    The children have been enjoying Personal Bests Week in PE this week, where they have experienced a number of physical challenges in a range of different PE skills. Working as a year group also allowed them to collaborate with children from other classes.

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