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Year 6 News

You can find all the weekly news from Year 6 linked below.

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  • Year 6: How does light travel?

    Published 11/01/24

    Our Science topic this half-term is all about light and the children had an enjoyable time exploring the shadows they could make with torches this week. They were also asking fantastic questions, such as 'What happens to the size of the shadow if we move the torch away from the object?' showing their ability to experiment, enquire and explore - all great scientific skills.

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  • Year 6: Which food surprised you this week in DT?

    Published 21/12/23
    The children in Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed preparing and tasting each other's food in our 'Come Dine with Me' DT project this week. They had to plan, prepare and present a course, then wait for the results of their group! They also re
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  • Year 6: How does your Maya Art tile reflect you, your personality and your hobbies?

    Published 14/12/23
    The children in Year 6 have worked very hard this week, exploring various aspects of Maya Art. This included studying works by Diego Rivera. Through the exploration of Maya patterns, the study of Maya symbols for spirit companions, the children
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  • Year 6: Which gadget in 'Prep and Landing' would you most like to own and why?

    Published 07/12/23
    This week has been Personal Bests Week in PE as well as inter-house competitions. The children all played very enthusiastically and enjoyed themselves immensely. They challenged themselves to improve their performances..
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  • Year 6: Which Mayan glyphs did you use to create your version of the word 'jaguar'?

    Published 30/11/23
    In History this week, Year 6 have been finding out about how the Maya communicated, through over 800 glyphs. Each child has made their own version of the same word, in clay. To complicate matters, there are 24 different combinations of glyphs that al
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  • Year 6: How did you classify the images of living things?

    Published 24/11/23
    In Science this week, Year 6 were given the challenge of classifying a range of images of living things, according to a variety of criteria. We also explored the term 'anomaly' and a platypus is a mammal, yet it lays eggs.
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  • Y6: Which aspect of Junior Citizens did you find most interesting and why?

    Published 17/11/23
    Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic visit to Junior Citizens at Sutton Life Centre on Thursday afternoon, where they had interactive sessions with representatives from Transport for London, The Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade Service, London Ambulanc
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  • Year 6: How did you classify the sweets you used in Science?

    Published 09/11/23
    The children loved using sweets to create their own identification key in Science. They had to sort them according to whatever criteria they chose and then ask a series of 'Yes, or 'No' questions to split them further. Finally, each
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  • Year 6: What made playing Pok-a-tok so difficult?

    Published 02/11/23
    Learning to play the ancient Maya game of Pok-a-tok was tricky, but it showed how strong, dexterous, determined and competitive they were. This helped us to learn what type of people they were, as an exciting way to launch our History topic.
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  • Year 6

    Published 19/10/23

    Which argument against deforestation do you believe is the most compelling? Why?

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  • Year 6

    Published 13/10/23

    What surprised you about the country you studied on Around the World Day?

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  • How accurate was your prediction in our Science experiment?

    Published 05/10/23

    We're fabulous at being scientists!

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