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Year 6 News

You can find all the weekly news from Year 6 linked below.

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  • Year 6: What surprised you about germs and bacteria?

    Published 14/03/24

    As part of our PSHE lessons, we have been exploring the importance of hygiene in the prevention of the spread of germs and bacteria. Lavender Class found out that washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap, can help to stop the spread of 'infection'.

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  • How did you change the brightness of a bulb?

    Published 07/03/24

    This week, in Science, the children carried out an experiment which they planned last week. They worked hard to anaylse the results and write high quality conclusions.

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  • Year 6: What is the difference between formal and informal writing?

    Published 01/03/24

    In English this week, we have been revising Passive Voice, in preparation for our next Star Write linked to Macbeth. We made a 'human sentence' on whiteboards to rearrange the subject, the verb and the object, to help the children understand how this creates a more formal sentence.

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  • How did you use the Multi-link to explain Volume of a 3d shape?

    Published 22/02/24

    In Maths this week we have been linking our learning of area and perimeter to volume and the equpiment has helped to understand the 'hidden' cubes and to formulate the rule to calculate the volume.

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  • Workshops for Families on Transitions

    Published 21/02/24

    Please see the following attachment.

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  • Year 6: How did you select images for your photo montage and city scape in Art?

    Published 09/02/24

    In Art this wee, Year 6 have been exploring Dadaism and the artist Hannah Hoch's work. They have created their own 'nonsensical' photomontage.

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  • Year 6: What did you enjoy about our Number Day Maths?

    Published 02/02/24

    We have had a variety of different number -based learning opportunities in Maths today, as part of Number Day. One group have been practising for the team event in the UK Maths Challenge. Others have been competing in a competition outside, which involved solving number-based clues to find a secret phone number, which would then solve a puzzle.

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  • Y6: What ae you most proud of in your Star Writing about Rose Blanche?

    Published 26/01/24
    Year 6 children have been working hard to write excellent diary entries based on our WW2 story, 'Rose Blanche'. Peer-editing has become a real feature this week, and they have persevered to support a classmate to ensure a high standard i
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  • Year 6: How did you feel during your 'Evacuation Experience'?

    Published 18/01/24
    Year 6 have enjoyed a fabulous World War Two Day, when many chose dress up as an evacuee, a soldier or even a spy! We explored Evacuation as part of our day, with the highlight being actually being 'evacuated' to another part of the school fo
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  • Year 6: How does light travel?

    Published 11/01/24

    Our Science topic this half-term is all about light and the children had an enjoyable time exploring the shadows they could make with torches this week. They were also asking fantastic questions, such as 'What happens to the size of the shadow if we move the torch away from the object?' showing their ability to experiment, enquire and explore - all great scientific skills.

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  • Year 6: Which food surprised you this week in DT?

    Published 21/12/23
    The children in Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed preparing and tasting each other's food in our 'Come Dine with Me' DT project this week. They had to plan, prepare and present a course, then wait for the results of their group! They also re
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  • Year 6: How does your Maya Art tile reflect you, your personality and your hobbies?

    Published 14/12/23
    The children in Year 6 have worked very hard this week, exploring various aspects of Maya Art. This included studying works by Diego Rivera. Through the exploration of Maya patterns, the study of Maya symbols for spirit companions, the children
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