How do you round a 6 digit number to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000?
Another busy week in Year 5! We have almost finished completing the first draft of our star write, with just a bit of editing left to go. The focus has been on using relative clauses, correct punctuation and ambitious vocabulary which we think all pupils have had a very thorough effort with, so well done!
In Maths, we have been continuing with working on place value style arithmetic questions – if you can practise rounding numbers at home with your children on top of the extra work we are doing with them on this in school then this would be extremely useful!REMINDER! Please check your children are completing their Times Tables Rock Stars practise which has been setup, so they are all challenged at their ability. It will be only a month or so before we start tackling fractions, and it is simply so important to know all your times tables – get practising!
In Science, we have been further investigating solubility and factors which affect this reversible chemical change. In RE, we have been continuing with learning more about Hinduism, specifically the deities and how they are worshipped.
Please do encourage your children to take part in dip and do homework too – it will really stretch and deepen their learning!
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