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Year 5 News

Here you will find all about recent activity in Year 5

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  • How varied is the physical Geography on the continent of North America?

    Published 18/11/22

    This week in Year 5, we have explored the continent of North America in Geography, and have learnt about some of the diverse range of physical geographical features which make up this fascinating continent. Please chat to your children about which was their favourite feature and why. In Maths, we have just started the bus stop method of division, and this is a really useful standard method of calculation which means we are learning to be able to do increasingly complex division problems! In English, we have written up our moving and descriptive star writes, which were letters from the Grace in our historical story about HMS Titanic. In Science, we carried out some experiments to see first hand what some reversible and irreversible reactions are, and what is taking place at the molecular level when doing so.

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  • How do modal verbs change the degree of possibility or certainty in a sentence?

    Published 11/11/22

    This week in Year 5 we have been preparing all the necessary grammar and writing practise for writing a letter in the past tense - we will be writing in character as Grace in the Titanic story we have been reading. The specific focus for our writing have been: expanded noun phrases, modal verbs and using visual imagery to show characters emotions, rather than just telling how they are feeling using adjectives. In Maths, we have been revising square and cube numbers and have no moved on to multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. In Computing, we have started curating our website content which we are all making as a class in our Year 5 classes. These websites will all be about cyber safety, and will be published at the end of Autumn 2 for younger year groups to use. In Science, we looked at reversible and irreversible changes and how these occur - we will be seeing some of these reaction live on Monday!

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  • How do you know if a number is prime or composite?

    Published 04/11/22

    Great first week back in Year 5! – We’ve made Rangoli patterns for Diwali in RE, started reading a fictional story based on the sinking of the Titanic in English, exploring factors, multiples and prime number sin Maths, separated mixtures in Science using a range of different techniques and started our gymnastics unit in PE.

    It has been wonderful to have everyone back and seeming so happy to be back.

    Please make sure you are practising spellings, times tables and reading every day as well as having a go at the dip and do homework. 

    Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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  • Which is your favourite Hindu God or Goddess and why?

    Published 14/10/22

    This week in Year 5, we have been planning our ‘cold write’, a piece of writing entirely unique to each and everyone writing! They just have a basic story structure to loosely follow, after that it is all down to their superb imaginations!

    We have been ploughing through with our mental maths certificates and badges too, getting almost back to where we were at the end of Year 4 – more badges and certificates to be won soon we are certain. We have also been focussing on rounding and estimating as well as lots of mental arithmetic practise.

    In History, we did an end of unit assessment where pupils created a double page poster of all they have learned over the half term, and these are looking really detailed! In PSHE, we have been discussing the meaning of different emotions and how best to deal with these during more challenging times in our lives. In RE, we have been selecting our favourite Hindu Gods or Goddesses and making fact files about them.

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  • What is the moral message behind 'The Lighthouse'?

    Published 07/10/22

    This week in Year 5, we have been watching 'The Lighthouse'; a wonderfully heartwarming story about a lighthouse keeper who is isolated from his village. The children have been retelling the story, using the Story Mountain structure. In Maths, we have been revising column addition and applying this to bigger numbers. 

    In Art, we have now completed our Viking longship art work, using collage and paint. Have a look at the corridor display to see some fantastic examples! In History, we have started looking at The Battle of Hastings and in RE we have been learning about the different Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism. 

    A big thank you to Emilia and family, for organising a cake sale for Great Ormond Street Hospital. The cakes were delicious!

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  • What advice would you give someone on how to be kind?

    Published 29/09/22

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • How do you round a 6 digit number to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000?

    Published 23/09/22

    Another busy week in Year 5! We have almost finished completing the first draft of our star write, with just a bit of editing left to go. The focus has been on using relative clauses, correct punctuation and ambitious vocabulary which we think all pupils have had a very thorough effort with, so well done!

    In Maths, we have been continuing with working on place value style arithmetic questions – if you can practise rounding numbers at home with your children on top of the extra work we are doing with them on this in school then this would be extremely useful!REMINDER! Please check your children are completing their Times Tables Rock Stars practise which has been setup, so they are all challenged at their ability. It will be only a month or so before we start tackling fractions, and it is simply so important to know all your times tables – get practising!

    In Science, we have been further investigating solubility and factors which affect this reversible chemical change. In RE, we have been continuing with learning more about Hinduism, specifically the deities and how they are worshipped. 

    Please do encourage your children to take part in dip and do homework too – it will really stretch and deepen their learning!

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  • How do relative clauses add extra information to your writing?

    Published 16/09/22

    We have had a wonderful second week in Year 5. Routines are becoming established and the hard and exciting work is really taking shape now!

    In English, we have been focussing on creating expanded noun phrases and using relative clauses, all in the context of writing about the Vikings and the invasion of England. In Maths, we have continued on working on place value, looking at rounding, estimating, partitioning and comparing  numbers up to 100,000. 

    In RE, we have learnt about who Brahman is and the history of Hinduism - we had some really lovely writing about how Brahman is everything and everything and everywhere - some wonderfully philosophical comments coming from so many pupils!

    In PE, we have started playing some team ball games, specifically a great version of bench ball - ask your children about it (unless they are in Blue class, in which case ask them about how their swimming is going!

    In Science, we investigated which materials were soluble or insoluble, and had some great discussions about their suitability as materials in real life contexts, like, why could you not make a sandcastle out of sugar and water if the beach was made of sugar?

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  • Why is reading regularly important?

    Published 13/07/22

    In Year 5 this year, we have had so many opportunities to read wonderful and exciting books. This week, we have been continuing to read The Girl of Ink and Stars, and we have loved writing setting descriptions and creating wanted posters based on the text. Some of us have also achieved our Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze awards for reading! Such a fantastic achievement. 

    In Maths, we have been learning about metric units and in PSHE, we opened our Time Capsules to see how much we have grown since the start of the year! 

    We have also been super busy with end-of-term activities including Move Up Morning, Personal Bests Week and Sports Day. We feel so lucky to have had such a great year in Year 5... only three days left! 

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  • How can we promote inclusivity in sports?

    Published 08/07/22

    This week the children created their Take One Picture collages using natural materials and paint. They have turned out so well! The children also painted their clay pots using space colours and glitter.

    In Literacy, we continued reading The Girl of Ink & Stars and wrote character descriptions and diary entries. In Maths, we have been learning about parallel and perpendicular lines as well as regular and irregular polygons. 

    In PSHE, we created vision boards, looking into our future and setting goals for ourselves.

    We are also super excited to know who our new teachers are. Blue Class will meet Mrs Wyman next week, Indigo Class will meet Mrs Harman and Mrs Glover and Sapphire Class will meet Mrs Thorn and Mrs Wilkins. What an exciting time of year this is!

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  • Can you teach your grownups about Sikhism?

    Published 30/06/22

    We have had another busy week in Year 5, finishing off our assessments as a celebration of our learning. We completed a Star Write, completed a SPaG booklet and three Maths booklets. In RE, we created Google Slides about Sikhism, recapping everything we have learnt this term. We watched the Year 6 Peter Pan show and we were blown away by the performance. We cannot wait to do our production next year!

    In Science, we researched famous astronomers and created fact files. In Art, we created space-themed pots out of clay, focusing on different techniques. We also met our Little Friends in Year 2 on Friday; they are super cute! 

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  • What did you enjoy most about our Space Day?

    Published 16/06/22

    This week we had our Space Day, which was so much fun. We did astronaut training, space dancing, junk modelling and alien writing. The costumes were fabulous! 

    In English, we have been continuing to read The Girl of Ink and Stars, and it is starting to get very, very exciting. In Maths, we have started our unit on angles and the children have learnt how to use a protractor. In Science, we have been learning about the sun, moon and earth and in Art we designed a space-themed pot. 

    It has been super hot this week, so we have also been enjoying the sunshine outside! 

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