If you were to create a religion, what rules for living a happy and safe life would you create?
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Here you will find all about recent activity in Year 5
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This week in Year 5, we were luck to be able to visit North Cheam Baptist church, where we were privy to a truly immersive Easter Experience performance – the actors were fantastic and lots of the children were able to get involved and be a part of the drama. In Maths, we are looking at decimals and percentages and how to convert between the two, comparing and calculating soon.In English, we are coming to the end of our journey with Me, my Dad and the end of the rainbow and are looking forward to producing some wonderful writing inspired by the story. In Science, we have been looking at water and air resistance and what it means for an object to be streamlined, and how this reduces resistance.
This week in Year 5, we have been working really hard on our booklets – testing our knowledge in SPAG, Reading and Maths, huge congratulation to all the effort and resilience shown by all of our pupils through this period. In addition to this, we will be completing our non-chronological reports next week all about the great rivers of the world, and the children have really enjoyed learning about the fascinating geographical differences of these rivers. In RE, as we are coming up to Easter, we have been learning about the resurrection of Jesus which has promoted some interesting discussions.
Please do check out the dip and do homework challenges – they are always lots of fun and really provide excellent home learning stretch and challenge opportunities for the children.
How do you find decimal and fraction equivalents?
This week in Year 5, we started a new topic in Geography all about the great rivers of the world, focussing on comparison of different rivers, and the human and physical features associated with rivers and how they are formed and used. This is also feeding into our English work where were planning and writing non-chronological reports about great rivers of the world. In Maths, we have been looking at decimal and fractions equivalents, and how to convert to and from both of these. Tip! Try to learn some decimal and fraction equivalents like you learn your times tables, then they will be at the tip of your tongue! In Science, we have been continuing our study of different forces and how they act on different objects.