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Year 5 News

Here you will find all about recent activity in Year 5

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  • Welcome back year 5! What have you enjoyed most about being back in school?

    Published 21/04/23
    This week we have been working hard on planning our writing in English, which will be a piece of descriptive writing set in the early chapters of our new book this term, ‘Oliver Twist’, the classic by Charles Dickens. This all sets off ou
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  • Which elements of the D&T pop up book mechanisms project did you find most challenging and why?

    Published 30/03/23

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • How will your chapter for 'me, my dad and the end of the rainbow', end?

    Published 24/03/23

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • What did you enjoy most about the Easter experience?

    Published 17/03/23

    This week in Year 5, we were luck to be able to visit North Cheam Baptist church, where we were privy to a truly immersive Easter Experience performance – the actors were fantastic and lots of the children were able to get involved and be a part of the drama. In Maths, we are looking at decimals and percentages and how to convert between the two, comparing and calculating soon.In English, we are coming to the end of our journey with Me, my Dad and the end of the rainbow and are looking forward to producing some wonderful writing inspired by the story. In Science, we have been looking at water and air resistance and what it means for an object to be streamlined, and how this reduces resistance.

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  • What is the most interesting fact you can remember about either the Nile or Amazon river?

    Published 10/03/23

    This week in Year 5, we have been working really hard on our booklets – testing our knowledge in SPAG, Reading and Maths, huge congratulation to all the effort and resilience shown by all of our pupils through this period. In addition to this, we will be completing our non-chronological reports next week all about the great rivers of the world, and the children have really enjoyed learning about the fascinating geographical differences of these rivers. In RE, as we are coming up to Easter, we have been learning about the resurrection of Jesus which has promoted some interesting discussions.

    Please do check out the dip and do homework challenges – they are always lots of fun and really provide excellent home learning stretch and challenge opportunities for the children.

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  • How do you find decimal and fraction equivalents?

    Published 03/03/23

    How do you find decimal and fraction equivalents?

    This week in Year 5, we started a new topic in Geography all about the great rivers of the world, focussing on comparison of different rivers, and the human and physical features associated with rivers and how they are formed and used. This is also feeding into our English work where were planning and writing non-chronological reports about great rivers of the world. In Maths, we have been looking at decimal and fractions equivalents, and how to convert to and from both of these. Tip! Try to learn some decimal and fraction equivalents like you learn your times tables, then they will be at the tip of your tongue! In Science, we have been continuing our study of different forces and how they act on different objects.

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  • What did you enjoy most about the D&T cookery day?

    Published 03/02/23

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • What did you enjoy most about the trip to Hampton Court Palace?

    Published 26/01/23
    This week in Year 5, we have been gearing up for the sensational visit to Hampton Court Palace – an iconic part of History. What a fantastic time we had there! The children were exceptionally well-behaved and really showed themselves to be trem
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  • What would the world be like with no friction at all?

    Published 20/01/23

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • What happens when a feather and a bowling ball are dropped in a vacuum chamber?

    Published 13/01/23


    This week in Year 5, we have been writing or first drafts of our newspaper articles. The writing is a little tough to relive since it is all about the cancelled trip from last term! However, there has been lots of great learning taking place including everyone practising using lots or direct and indirect speech correctly. In Maths, we have started working on shape, space and measure, looking at translations and reflections. In History, the children presented their group work on researching what it was like to be a black person in the Tudor times. In Science, we continued to build on our knowledge of gravity as a force, learning how air resistance can affect gravitational force.

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  • Year 5 say happy holidays!

    Published 16/12/22

    What does the winter break meant to you?

    Well done Year 5, we made it! We have had an extremely festive and fun last week of term, and are all really looking forward to the break over the Christmas holidays. We have been continuing with our fractions work in year 5, which children are really starting to get the hang of. Consider thinking about fractions over the holiday period, as we still have two weeks or so of fractions from January, so keeping the revision up by thinking about fractions in real life over the break will be super helpful! The children finished their poetry, which all turned out beautifully. We discussed the colours of Christmas and what they symbolise too, in RE. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, we hope you have a well deserved and restful break, and we will see you in the New Year!

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  • How does insulation work?

    Published 25/11/22

    This week, we all worked really hard on our reading, grammar and maths booklets. Some classes still have a booklet or so to go, but we are really proud of everyones efforts in showing what they have learnt under timed conditions. In Science, some classes investigated how effective different meterials are at insulating hot water, with some really interesting results! In English, we have started reading The Matchbox Diaries, which is a fascinating story about a family of Italian immigrants making a life for themselves in the USA in the 1800s. In computing, we have made our first prototype website which we will analyse and improve on next week, then will be adding a range of different media devices to. In Maths, we are about to start an exciting unit on fractions, so any revision you can do on this theme over the weekend will certaihnly be useful!

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