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Year 5 News

Here you will find all about recent activity in Year 5

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  • What writings are important to Hindus and why?

    Published 27/09/23

    It's been another busy week of learning in Year 5, with wonderful writing, amazing history, North American geography and much more.

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  • What are modal verbs and how can we use them in sentences?

    Published 15/09/23

    We have had a busy week in Year 5! We have been reading Below Deck in English and learning about modal verbs, as well as expanded noun phrases and 'show not tell'. In Maths we have been exploring place value, with numbers up to one million. We have been continuing to learn about Hinduism and the different deities and belief systems. We have also been discussing how we stay mentally, physically and emotionally healthy. Try and prioritise your health over the weekend by spending time in the sunshine!

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  • What has been your highlight of Week 1 in Year 5?

    Published 08/09/23

    What an amazing week we have had! The children have all settled in beautifully and are already hard at work. We have been going over routines and high expectations and introducing our new topics of North America, The Titanic and Hinduism. 

    On Friday, we had Titanic Day, where the children dressed up as first and third class passengers, ready to board the ship. The third class passengers were very disappointed to find out they did not get Fizzy Vimto in the dining room experience! Check out Facebook to see some pictures of our wonderful day together. 

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  • What features of planet Earth make it habitable for humans?

    Published 13/07/23

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  • What units of measure can you notice and calculate with at home or out and about?

    Published 30/06/23

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  • What did you personally find most challenging or rewarding about your booklets this week?

    Published 23/06/23

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  • If you were to create a religion, what rules for living a happy and safe life would you create?

    Published 16/06/23

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  • What are the key features of a relative clause?

    Published 09/06/23

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  • What did you find most interesting about the life and work of Jane Goodall?

    Published 25/05/23

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  • What makes a persuasive argument effective?

    Published 19/05/23

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  • What were the pros and the cons of the industrial revolution which occured between 1750 and 1900?

    Published 05/05/23

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  • What features in your writing for Oliver Twist will enhance the description?

    Published 28/04/23

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