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Year 5 News

Here you will find all about recent activity in Year 5

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  • Year 5: What did you find most challenging about adapting your Spag Bol recipe?

    Published 10/01/24
    The children have come back to school after the Christmas break full of beans and ready to learn! In class, we have been busy learning about where our food comes from as well as healthy eating. The children have been busy adapting a recipe for S
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  • Year 5: What facts can you recall about The Vikings?

    Published 19/12/23
    What a first term we have had in Year 5! We have had so many amazing moments. Mrs Rankin's favourite part is definitely all the amazing drama the children have produced. These dramatic battle scenes brought our Viking topic alive and he
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  • Year 5: What was the impact of the Battle of Hastings?

    Published 13/12/23
    This week the children created a piece of drama about the Battle of Stamford Bridge and The Battle of Hastings. Children got into character as Edward the Confessor, William the Duke of Normandy, Harald Hardrada and  King Harold Go
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  • Year 5: What did you achieve in Personal Best Week?

    Published 06/12/23
    The children really enjoyed their afternoon of basketball and bench ball this week. They competed in their colour teams to win the cup. It was a brilliant afternoon of personal achievements and team efforts from everyone involved! Well done Year 5.&n
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  • Year 5: What were the differences between Viking Laws and Anglo Saxon Laws?

    Published 30/11/23
    The Year 5 children loved learning about how criminals were treated in Britain during the Viking and Anglo-Saxon period this week. After learning the facts about the different judicial systems, the classes broke up into smaller groups&
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  • Year 5: Which art techniques or craft skills did you use when creating your decoration for our Christmas Hoop?

    Published 22/11/23
    Year 5 have had a busy week completing assessment booklets this week. Teachers are now busy marking these and looking at progress and attainment, as well as looking for any gaps in knowledge and understanding. A lovely creative moment in-between comp
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  • Year 5: Were the Vikings settlers or invaders?

    Published 15/11/23
    During our History lesson this week, the Year 5 children worked collaboratively and made some impressive posters on the Vikings. They looked at primary and secondary sources of information to gather evidence to support the theory that the Viking
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  • Year 5: What is the sequence of events in our Viking story?

    Published 08/11/23
    Our highlight of the week this week has to be our fantastic drama lessons on Monday. The children absolutely loved taking on roles in our re-enactment of our Viking story. The monks begged for mercy as the Vikings attacked ferociously. The child
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  • Year 5: Who were the Vikings and what was the impact of their first invasion?

    Published 30/10/23
    This week in Year 5, we have started our Vikings topic. The children have been learning about who they were, why they were significant and how this links with modern day Britain. Our Literacy unit is based off the text 'Faith Over Ferocity',
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  • Year 5

    Published 19/10/23

    What is 'Installation Art' and how does it differ from other types of art?

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  • Year 5

    Published 12/10/23

    What is dissolving and which substances dissolve?

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  • How has the author used symbolism in 'The Matchbox Diary'?

    Published 06/10/23

    Making our Writing Fabulous!

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