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Year 5 News

Here you will find all about recent activity in Year 5

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  • Year 5: How does a flower reproduce?

    Published 17/04/24
    This week has been a brilliant first week back. The children have returned from Easter break ready and eager to learn. A highlight has to be our fantastic lesson on sexual reproduction in plants. The children produced some amazing work. Please see Ap
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  • Year 5: What can you recall about Lent and Easter?

    Published 27/03/24

    This week, the children completed their D&T project; their finished pop-up books are incredible!  They also published their brilliant narratives based on our class novel Floodland. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday. 

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  • Year 5: What did you learn from making a pop-up book?

    Published 20/03/24

    The children have been continuing to work on their D&T project  'Pop up mechanism in books!' They have been really busy bringing their designs to life and can't wait to show everyone their finished products. 

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  • Year 5: What did you like about the Easter Experience?

    Published 13/03/24

    Year 5 had a wonderful time visiting North Cheam Baptist Church this week, where they were involved in The Easter Experience. The children definitely demonstrated The Dorchester Values on this outing, as the children were all beautifully behaved and respectful.  They showed their enquiry skills through the very thoughtful questions they asked after the re-enactment of the story. We were very proud of the children. 

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  • Year 5: What did we learn from what went wrong in our science experiment?

    Published 06/03/24

    This week's highlight has to be learning about water resistance! Lots went wrong but we also learnt lots about water resistance and streamlined shapes! What would you do differently next time?

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  • Year 5: What is the journey of a river?

    Published 28/02/24
    The children learnt about the journey of a river this week and we were were super impressed with their ability to learn a range of new words like confluence, levee, oxbow lake etc. Great Geography work Year 5!  This week, the children have co
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  • Year 5: Who are the Eels?

    Published 21/02/24
     What a brilliant first week back! The children are completely and utterly engaged in our wonderful new book Floodland! There are gasps around the room when we get to the end of a chapter and close the book and the children beg us to read more..
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  • Workshops for Families on Transitions

    Published 21/02/24

    Please see the following attachment.

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  • Year 5: What did you learn at Hampton Court Palace about The Tudors?

    Published 07/02/24

    On Thursday, Year 5 visited Hampton Court Place. The children had a wonderful time and learnt so much from the workshop on Tudor Jobs. It was lovely for the children to visit all the parts of the palace they had been learning about in class as well as hear more about the 'Notable Tudors' they had studied. Thank you to all the parents who gave up their time to help us on our visit.  Have a wonderful and safe half-term. 

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  • Year 5: What are some traditions of Chinese New Year?

    Published 31/01/24
    This week, we had amazing workshops on the traditions of Chinese New Year. A group of parents visited Year 5 and organised some wonderful activities, including lettering using a special calligraphy paintbrush and cutting Chinese letters out of d
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  • Year 5: What are the features of a great piece of instructional writing?

    Published 24/01/24
    This week the children have produced some amazing writing in their Star Write books. They wrote instructional texts on how to make a Vegan Bolognese. The children needed to hook the reader with an introduction, write a well-organised list of ingredie
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  • Year 5: What skills did you develop on our D&T Day?

    Published 16/01/24
    Tuesday was certainly a WOW day, when we had the whole year group making a healthy, vegan version of bolognese. The children had adapted the traditional version and had decided to use a wide variety of vegetables, including lentils as a protein
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