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Year 3/4 news 26.05.23

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This week, we have used our observational skills to draw botanical drawings inspired by scientific sketches. We used real flowers and dissected them to sketch each part individually. In Geography, we created topic pages showing the changes that have occurred in Worcester Park over the last 50 years, explained why these have happened and how they have benefitted the local community. For our topic of Buddhism, we have explored the Buddhist temple and the Four Noble Truths to better understand Buddhists' beliefs. In Science, we have explored the life cycle of a plant and how each part has a different function. In Maths, Year 3 have learnt to tell the time to the nearest second and have used 8 points of the compass to investigate angles. Year 4 have been learning about money and have been converting between pounds and pence. 


What have your star writes been about and what have you included?