Year 4 news 9.9.22
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Year 4 have had an amazing start to the year! They have all settled in brilliantly and have been working hard to make new friends and learn lots of new things. In English, the children have been working on their reading skills and have refreshed their knowledge of word classes in grammar. At the end of the week, they did a free write and to show off everything they had learnt in Year 3. In Maths, the children have been looking at place value up to thousands and have represented numbers using different mathematical equipment. Our History topic this half-term is Stone Age and the children have begun their learning by looking at how far back this was in time and designing some Stone Age homes. In RE, they are beginning to learn about Sikhism and in particular this week they studied the life of Guru Nanak. Rocks and soils is our Science topic this half term and so the children have been learning about how the 3 main different types of rock are formed.