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Year 3 News

On this page you will find all the News from Years 3.

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  • How are different types of rock formed?

    Published 21/09/23

    The children have all really impressed us this week with how hard they have worked in English.  They have learnt how to use conjunctions to extend their sentences and join two sentences together.  They then worked really hard on their Star Writes on 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'.

    In History, we learnt what life was like in the Stone Age and how they sourced their food.  In Re, we learnt about Guru Nanak and his life.  We also read stories about how he spread his teachings.  In Computing we decomposed the Magic Carpet game and investigated how it worked.

    The children really enjoyed learning about how different rocks are made through our Starburst investigation.  They turned the starbursts into sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks.


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  • What makes us happy?

    Published 08/09/23

    The children have had a fantastic first week back and we are really enjoying getting to know all of them.  They have settled really well into Year 3 and adjusted well to their new classes and routines.

    This week we have been focusing on the Zones of Regulation and identifying what things make us feel happy, sad, anxious and angry.  We have been looking at ways to deal with our emotions and recognising that it is okay to feel different emotions.  

    In Maths we have been looking at place value of numbers up to 100 and have been using base ten and place value counters to support our learning.  We have also had our first Spanish lesson with Mrs Mills and our first ukele lesson with Mrs Cucharo and look forward to learning these new skills throughout the year.

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  • 14.07.23 Year 3/4 news

    Published 13/07/23

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  • Year 3/4 news 30.06.23

    Published 29/06/23

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  • Year 3/4 news 23.06.23

    Published 22/06/23

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  • Year 3/4 news 16.06.23

    Published 15/06/23

    This week, we have been creating 3D sculptures inspired by playground equipment and the sculptor Anthony Caro. We have been doing this in teams so have been working on our teamwork skills at the same time which we have also been learning about in PSHE. In Science, we looked at how to carry out experiments so that we can do this successfully in the coming weeks. For our topic of Buddhism, we looked at how Buddhists in Thailand practice their religion. We focused on their traditions and how the geography of the country is affect by Buddhism. In Maths, Year 4 have finished their unit on time and have moved on to angles. We have learnt the 4 different types of angle - acute, right angle, obtuse and reflex. In English, we have been writing non-chronological reports about single-use plastics and how best to protect the environment. 


    How can we best work as a team?

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  • What can you remember about days, weeks, months and years?

    Published 08/06/23
    This week, Year 4 have been working really hard with the multiplication times tables check. Some of us have completed it already, but others will be doing it in the coming weeks.  In English, we have been creating persuasive adverts to disc
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  • Year 3/4 news 26.05.23

    Published 25/05/23

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  • Year 3/4 news 19.05.23

    Published 18/05/23

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  • Year 3/4 news 12.05.23

    Published 11/05/23

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  • Year 3/4 news 31.03.23

    Published 30/03/23

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  • Year 3/4 news 10.03.23

    Published 09/03/23

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