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Year 3 News

On this page you will find all the News from Years 3.

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  • Year 3: What have you enjoyed learning about this term?

    Published 21/12/23
    The children have worked really hard this half term and we have been proud of how much progress they have made. They particularly enjoyed our DT day on Monday they were able to create nets to make their structures.  We had some very interes
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  • Year 3: What are the similarities and differences in Matthew and Luke's accounts of the Christmas Story?

    Published 14/12/23
    This week the children have loved learning about life in Sweden.  They used the VR headsets to explore what the architecture is like and how people live there.  We researched Christmas traditions in Sweden and compared the similarities and
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  • Year 3: What similarities and differences are there between Christmas celebrations in Italy and in Spain?

    Published 07/12/23
    This week the children have had a fantastic day learning all about Italy.  We have looked at what foods are popular there, which foods are exported and even made our own pizzas!  We looked at Italian traditions and carnivals, such as the Ca
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  • Year 3: What did you enjoy most about our Spain day?

    Published 30/11/23
    On Wednesday, the children all enjoyed participating in our 'Spain Day'.  The children all looked fantastic in their Spanish clothes and enjoyed learning a flamenco dance.  We used the Class VR headset to see what life is like
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  • Year 3: What is the climate like in Spain, Italy and Sweden?

    Published 24/11/23
    The children have all worked incredibly hard this week during booklet week and have shown great resilience.  It has been great to see the progress that they are making and see their strengths.  They have also worked really hard finishing th
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  • Year 3: What are the physical features of Spain, Sweden and Italy?

    Published 17/11/23
    This week the children have really enjoyed working collaboratively to research either Italy, Spain or Sweden and learn about its physical features.  They had to identify the rivers, lakes, mountains, borders and coasts in each country.  The
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  • Year 3: What did you like best about the playpod?

    Published 10/11/23

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Year 3: Where is Europe? Describe the location of Spain, Italy and Sweden

    Published 03/11/23
    This week we have started our new topic on Europe.  We have been looking at the location of Europe and some of the countries which are located within it.   Our focus this half term will be on Sweden, Italy and Spain and we will be l
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  • Year 3

    Published 20/10/23

    What was your favourite part of Stone Age Day?

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  • Year 3

    Published 12/10/23

    What can fossils tell us about prehistoric life?

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  • Where do Sikhs worship?

    Published 06/10/23

    This week we have been learning about perfect present tense in English.  We have learnt how to change a verb into the past tense, and add either has or have before the past tense verb, to write sentences in the perfect present tense.  We have also recapped using conjunctions and adverbs of manners so that we can use these skills in our Star Write next week.

    In Maths we have continued working on adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers and have begun looking at how we exchange numbers to solve problems.  We will be continuing to work on this next week to refine the skill. 

    In RE we learnt that Sikhs pray in a Gurdwara, and we looked at the different features of one.  We now know some key features, such as they have four doors to welcome everyone and the Manji Sahib, which is a raised platform.

    In History we looked at the development of tools from the Stone Age to the Iron Age and how they were made and used.  In Science, we looked at how fossils are formed and discovered how it takes thousands of years for them to form.

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  • How did the way people live change through the Bronze Age and Iron Age

    Published 29/09/23

    The children in Year 3 have worked so hard on their learning this week.

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