Can you explain one way to solve a worded problem?
This week, Topaz and some of Buttercup had a wonderful time at Wimbledon Mosque. Imam Shaoib was very welcoming, and the children impressed him with how much they already knew. We are looking forward to taking the rest of Buttercup along with Yellow, this Monday.
In English this week, the children have been writing a brochure to persuade people to go on a trip to the Kalahari Desert, using facts they have learned, along with their persuasive techniques. In Maths, we have looked at worded problems for the four operations, thinking about how many different ways the children can solve each problem. In Science, the children revised what plants need to grow and thrive, and planned out what our allotment might look like, and what plants we might grow there. In Geography, we explored how humans have affected different areas of Southern Africa, and the children discussed how humans and animals can live together safely and healthily. In Art, the children had lots of fun learning how to make impressions and joins when making a clay tile.