Which biome would you want to live in?
This week, the children looked at our new text, Meerkat Mail. We have explored the different biomes Sunny travels to across Southern Africa, we have written a list of things he would need to pack by practising our commas in a list, and finally we have learned how we might persuade someone to visit one of these biomes. This is in preparation for next week, where the children will make a travel brochure for the Kalahari Desert. In Maths, the children have been using their known facts to solve problems, and have applied strategies such as partitioning, number lines and bar models to support their understanding when solving worded problems. In Art, we have been exploring how to use clay, this week making some pinch pots - the children worked really hard to decorate them using their slip and score technique. In RE, we learned what is inside a mosque, in preparation for our upcoming trips. In Computing, we looked at our email reply from Mrs. Bell and talked about safety in opening an attachment. In Science, we started looking at our allotment and made a plan of what we want to grow.