Year 2 News 21/1/22
How are materials recycled?
Year 2 have had a great week and have produced some fantastic work. In English they continued reading The Old Toy Room. We wrote character descriptions and setting descriptions and finished the week with brilliant retellings. The children showed off everything they have learnt so far this year in their writing!
In Maths we have been working on fractions and recognising and finding quarters and thirds. We have also looked at unit fractions and what they are.
In History Year 2 have been comparing past and present objects. We have described the differences and similarities. In RE we have looked at what a non-religious world view is. The children produced some amazing pieces of art this week while creating work in the style of Andy Warhol. They designed toys on a template and used it to create repeated patterns while changing the colours they used.
In SPHE we have been looking at self-belief. We discussed what things they are good at. We then looked at 'the power of YET'. The children identified things that they found hard and can't do YET but with practise they will be able to do before long.