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Year 2 News

Here you will find all the news articles from the Year 2 Team.

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  • Year 2: How do you make a bug hotel?

    Published 26/03/25
    This week in Science we built our own bug hotels, using recycled materials and natural materials we found in our Forest School area. We then combined this knowledge with our English knowledge of instruction writing, to do our next piece of Star
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  • Year 2: What are the features of micro-habitats?

    Published 19/03/25
    This week we designed bug hotels by using what we learned about different minibeasts and their micro-habitats. A big factor in where a minibeast lives is down to their diet, for example: Caterpillars eat leaves so they like to live on top or un
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  • Year 2: How do you make a jam sandwich?

    Published 11/03/25
    In English, we have been practising instruction writing. In order to better understand how to write instructions clearly, we wrote and then followed instructions on how to make a jam sandwich. They did an excellent job working together and were
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  • Year 2: What toys did our parents and grandparents play with? How do they compare?

    Published 05/03/25
    This week, Year 2 had an opportunity to look back in time at some of the toys that were played with by their parents and grandparents. Not only were they lucky to have some real photos of their parents and grandparents with toys (thank you to 1 paren
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  • Year 2: How can I do different jobs in a group?

    Published 28/02/25
    This week the children took part in a team drawing exercise, where they had to think about how to communicate and describe pictures to another. They took turns with the different roles in their team and fed back to each other what went well and what
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  • Year 2: How do we stay safe online?

    Published 12/02/25
    On Tuesday we took part in Safer Internet Day. The aim of the day is to promote awareness of what the internet is and how we should be using it safely. This year’s theme was all about how to spot scams. We spent the morning on Tuesday being sca
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  • Year 2: Can you describe what happened to us last week?

    Published 05/02/25
    Last week we had a very interesting and unexpected surprise! Mrs. Bell called Year 2 for help when she discovered that there were three dragon eggs that had been found in school. Year 2 immediately leapt to help, and we spent the rest of the morning
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  • Year 2: 新年快乐 Xīnnián kuàilè - Happy New Year!

    Published 29/01/25
    Xīnnián kuàilè (Sheen nian kwai luh) - Happy Lunar New Year! On Monday we will be celebrating further, in relation to our topic on China, but this week the children had an opportunity to celebrate by creating some snake decora
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  • Year 2: What are the physical features of China, and why are they significant?

    Published 22/01/25
    This week, the children learned that physical features are natural parts of the world around us, such as oceans, rivers, trees, mountains and lakes. We then looked at some of China’s most famous physical features - Mount Everest and the Yangtze
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  • Year 2: What is inside a seed?

    Published 16/01/25
    This week in Science, we looked inside kidney beans! On the outside we found the seed coat, which protects the baby plant (beginning of the root and sprout system) and the food store, which helps the plant grow. The children enjoyed being able t
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  • Year 2: Where is China located?

    Published 08/01/25
    Happy New Year! It's been a great start to 2025 in Year 2. The children have come back raring to go, and have impressed us with their attitude towards learning. Our Geography topic for this half-term is all about China, so we started by exploring
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  • Year 2: What is your favourite penguin fact?

    Published 18/12/24
    This week, the children have put together non-chronological report on penguins for their Star Writing. They have worked hard for weeks learning about writing statements. They have also read other fact files and watched documentaries to gather importa
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