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Year 2 News

Here you will find all the news articles from the Year 2 Team.

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  • Year 2: What can you remember about biomes?

    Published 16/07/24
    This week, the children consolidated their knowledge of biomes by creating a fact file on their Chromebooks. The children were asked to research the climate, the plant life and the animals of the area; which make up the biome.  An expect
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  • Year 2: What is the importance of good hygiene?

    Published 11/07/24

    We've had such an amazing and busy week with events like Sports Day and our drumming performance! But what else have Year 2 been up to? ...

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  • Year 2: What can we do to protect our environment?

    Published 05/07/24
    Our Geography and PSHE were linked this week, as we explored how climate change affects the environment in Southern Africa, and what we can do about it. After a very thoughtful discussion on how climate change is affecting the lives of people, plants
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  • Year 2: What are the different biomes of Southern Africa, and how do they compare to the UK?

    Published 27/06/24
    On our Wow Day, we investigated the different biomes of Southern Africa. We learned all about the weather, temperature, climate, wildlife and plants. We then used those facts to work together in teams to create a shoebox biome.&nb
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  • Year 2: What do animals, including humans, need to survive?

    Published 20/06/24
    This week in Science, the children were talking about things that are essential for animal survival: food, water and air. They then made some wonderful posters about different animals, to describe how we would look after them. We recognised the
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  • Year 2: How have people adapted to the different climates in Southern Africa?

    Published 13/06/24
    This week, we learned that there are lots of different climates across Southern Africa. In the hot and sunny areas, light and loose clothing to stay cool will be worn. They also build houses with materials that don't trap too much heat, so it'
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  • Year 2: Where is Southern Africa?

    Published 04/06/24
    This week we started our topic on Southern Africa. We located the continent of Africa, and looked at the countries in the Southern region. Countries commonly included in Southern Africa include Angola, Botswana, the Comoros, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madaga
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  • Year 2: How has fire safety changed since 1666?​​​​​​​

    Published 23/05/24
    This week, we compared what rules there were for stopping fires in 1666 to now. After the Great Fire of London, more measures were put in place for preventing fires, such as buildings being made out of brick instead of wood, and being spread away fro
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  • Year 2: What have we learned about the Great Fire of London?

    Published 14/05/24
    Firstly, we would just like to say thank you to everyone who helped out and supported us on the trip to the Tower of London this week. The children were very sensible and safe, and most importantly had a brilliant time. We even had comments from memb
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  • What makes a good friend?

    Published 09/05/24
    This week in PSHE we looked at what makes a good friend. The children were encouraged to reflect on what they liked about their friends, but also what made them a good friend too. Qualities such as kindness and helpfulness came up a lot, as well as b
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  • Year 2: What are the different sources of food? Why are farms important for food chains?

    Published 30/04/24
    This week, the children explored how farms are used to produce different types of food, from plants to animals and their products. For example, eggs are produced by chickens, milk from cows etc.  They then took part in a carousel of acti
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  • Year 2: What do Muslims believe about Allah?

    Published 25/04/24
    This week, the children started on their new RE topic about Islam. We are looking at the important figures in Islam, starting with Allah: Muslims believe in one God, who is called Allah, who created everything. Allah has many names, but there are
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