Year 2 News
Here you will find all the news articles from the Year 2 Team.
- Read MorePublished 01/04/22The children have worked incredibly hard in English this week, picking up lots of new skills along the way. We have looked at new vocabulary and used it in our sentences. We have also learnt how to use contractions such as: don't
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What are the geographical human features of China?
Published 24/03/22This week in Geography we have been learning about geographical human features. The children have looked at these feature in both London and Beijing and compared them.
In Science the children learnt about our local habitats and where different insects live. In PSHE we discussed how we can look after our mental health and strategies that we can use to help us when we are upset or angry.
In English we have been reading Tiny's Big Adventure. The children have learnt about different suffixes including 'ly', 'ful' and 'less' and have worked hard to use them in their writing.
In Maths we have been measuring length in cm and m. We have compared, ordered and estimated different objects.
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Can you name a scientist who has overcome stereotypes?
Published 17/03/22This week the children have all worked very hard to complete their maths booklets on arithmetic and reasoning. We have been impressed with their resilience to trying new challenges.
In Maths, we have continued to work on telling the time and find and comparing durations of time. In English, we have been reading The Runaway Wok. We have worked on using conjunctions 'if', 'when' and 'that', used a range of adverbs and then applied these skills to planning and writing a diary entry.
In Computing the children loved creating a Google Slide and learning how to insert text. They then learnt how to edit the font, size and colour. They even changed the background and created new slides.
In Science, we have been researching scientists who have overcome stereotypes. Can you name any of these scientists and what they did?
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Can you name different sources of food?
Published 10/03/22This week the children have all worked really hard completing their Reading and SPaG booklets. We have been really pleased with all the progress that they have made. We are looking forward to seeing how they do in their Maths booklets next week.
In Maths we have been looking at telling time to the nearest 5 minutes. The children have persevered despite finding it tricky.
In Science we have been looking at different sources of food. In Geography we have located China on a map and looked at the surrounding countries. We then used Google Slides to create a presentation about what we have learnt so far about China.
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What is a food chain?
Published 04/03/22This week the children have produced some fantastic retellings of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. They have worked hard to include expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and a range of punctuation in their writing.
In Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes. We have looked at describing them using vocabulary such as vertices, edges and faces. We have also sorted them into different groups based on their features.
In DT we have been learning about sources of food. We have learnt about food hygiene and designed a stirfry. Each class then made a stir-fry using noodles, broccoli, carrots, peppers and baby sweetcorn. The children all loved making them and tasting it.
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Can you retell Jack and the Beanstalk?
Published 25/02/22Year 2 have been excited to start the new Geography topic 'From Dragon's to Dim Sum'. We will be learning about China and comparing it to England. This week we have been learning about physical and human features. In Science we have been looking at what animals and plants need in order to survive and classifying things into living and non-living things. In DT we have been looking at how we can keep food safe and clean, ready to cook a stir fry next week.
In English we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been learning to use expanded noun phrases to describe objects and settings. We have also been learning to use commas in a list. Next week we will be continuing Jack and the Beanstalk and retelling the story as our Star Write.
In Maths we have been looking at 2D shapes and how to describe them. We have learnt to describe their sides, vertices and lines of symmetry. We then learnt how they can be sorted into different groups based on their properties.
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How can we stay safe online?
Published 11/02/22This week in Year 2 we have been learning about how to stay safe online. We discussed what information is safe to share and what information we should keep private.
In History we looked at the Victorian game 'cup and ball'. We then made our own versions and had competitions with each other to see who could catch the ball the most times. In Computing we learnt how to edit photos using cropping, changing the contrast and brightness and rotate them.
In English we looked at the features of instruction texts. We then followed instructions, gave instructions and then wrote our own. In Maths we recapped how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and find fractions of amounts.
After a very busy term, we hope you all have a relaxing half term.
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How is Chinese New Year celebrated?
Published 04/02/22Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
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What makes a good friend?
Published 27/01/22So much hard work and varied learning in Year 2 again this week - fantastic work everyone.
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Year 2 News 21/1/22
Published 21/01/22How are materials recycled?
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What do Humanists believe?
Published 14/01/22This week in Year 2 we have been reading The Old Toy Room. We have been using a thesaurus to find the meaning of new words and using them in sentences. We also used emotions and conjunctions to make our sentences more inte - Read More
What is Andy Warhol famous for?
Published 07/01/22It has been lovely to have the children back this week and see them settle straight back into their work.