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Year 2 News

Here you will find all the news articles from the Year 2 Team.

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  • What is a microhabitat?

    Published 01/07/22

    This week we have been reading Meerkat Mail in English and writing letters and postcard inspired by the book.  In Maths we have been learning to use more efficient strategies for adding and subtracting and building on our mental maths.

    In our Geography topic we have been learning about the Kalhari Desert and what animals and plants live there.  We also researched how animals and plants have adapted in order to survive there.  In Science, we have been looking at microhabitats and investigated ones in school to see what insects we could find.  In RE we have been looking at different festivals that Muslims celebrate such as Ramadan and Eid.

    KS1 Living Things | Minibeasts and Micro-Habitats

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  • Can you recall the events of the day the dragon came to visit?

    Published 24/06/22
    This week in Year 2, we had special visitor on Monday. They had left us some sparkly, shiny eggs and we had to investigate what creature had come to Dorchester. After, we wrote recounts of our day using time adverbs.  In Maths, we recapped mo
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  • What are the main features of a fairytale?

    Published 09/06/22

    This week Year 2 all had a fantastic trip to Shrek Adventure!  The children boarded the magical bus to travel to Far Far Away.  We got to meet lots of fairytale creatures and immerse ourselves into the story.  The children had to collect ingredients needed in order to find Shrek and make it home safely.  We then participated in an English workshop to learn about how fairytale are constructed and about the key characters in fairytales.  We then continued this work in our English lessons throughout the week.

    Topaz Class also enjoyed a trip to Pizza Express where they learnt how to make their very own pizzas.  Buttercup Class and Yellow Class are looking forward to going there soon!

    In Maths we have been using bar models and number facts to solve problems.  In Computing the children recapped their coding skills using Scratch and learnt how to change, edit and program Sprites.


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  • Can you explain the process of relief painting?

    Published 19/05/22

    The children have all worked incredibly hard this week competing their first two SATs papers.  They have shown great perseverance when working through the booklets, and we are all very proud of them!

    This week we have been practising reading comprehensions and maths reasoning problems in preparation for their final SATs next week.  

    We have also been learning about relief printing.  The children used string and paint to create their own designs.  In computing they have been learning how to program using Scratch.

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  • What are the best conditions for a plant to grow?

    Published 12/05/22

    This week in Year 2, we have been reading the book 'George and the Dragon'. We have written instructions of how to look after a dragon, written a character description and created missing posters. 

    In Maths, we have recapped the four operations, measurement and statistics. 

    In Science, we have written up our findings from our investigation of what plants needed to grow and in History, we have explored how the Great Fire changed London. 

    The Needs of a Plant for Kids | What do Plants Need to Survive? - YouTube

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  • Year 2 News

    Published 05/05/22

    In English we have been learning about newspaper reports, identifying their features and the language used.  We have also been researching facts on the fire of London to use when writing our own newspaper reports about the fire.

    In Maths, we have been recapping multiplication, division and finding fractions of shape and number.

    In PSHE we have learnt about family trees and have had a go at making their own. 

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  • Year 2 News

    Published 21/04/22

    It has been lovely to have all the children back after the Easter holidays.  We have been impressed at how quickly they have settled back into class.

    In English we have been reading Sammy the Street Dog.  It tells the story of the Great Fire of London through the eyes of Sammy.  We have been using suffix words to up-level our writing, using a range of conjunctions and using possessive apostrophes. 

    In Maths we have been looking at capacity and volume.  We have been learning how to read scales and measure in millilitres and litres.

    In RE we have begun learning about Islam and have learnt that there are 99 names for Allah.  In Science we have been learning about what plants need in order to grow and in Computing we learnt about how to program a sprite.

    The Great Fire of London: Sammy the Street Dog eBook | Great fire of  london, The great fire, Street dogs

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  • Can you retell the Easter story?

    Published 01/04/22
    The children have worked incredibly hard in English this week, picking up lots of new skills along the way.  We have looked at new vocabulary and used it in our sentences.  We have also learnt how to use contractions such as: don't
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  • What are the geographical human features of China?

    Published 24/03/22

    This week in Geography we have been learning about geographical human features. The children have looked at these feature in both London and Beijing and compared them.

    In Science the children learnt about our local habitats and where different insects live.  In PSHE we discussed how we can look after our mental health and strategies that we can use to help us when we are upset or angry.

    In English we have been reading Tiny's Big Adventure.  The children have learnt about different suffixes including 'ly', 'ful' and 'less' and have worked hard to use them in their writing.

    In Maths we have been measuring length in cm and m.  We have compared, ordered and estimated different objects.  

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  • Can you name a scientist who has overcome stereotypes?

    Published 17/03/22

    This week the children have all worked very hard to complete their maths booklets on arithmetic and reasoning.  We have been impressed with their resilience to trying new challenges.

    In Maths, we have continued to work on telling the time and find and comparing durations of time.  In English, we have been reading The Runaway Wok.  We have worked on using conjunctions 'if', 'when' and 'that', used a range of adverbs and then applied these skills to planning and writing a diary entry.

    In Computing the children loved creating a Google Slide and learning how to insert text.  They then learnt how to edit the font, size and colour.  They even changed the background and created new slides.

    In Science, we have been researching scientists who have overcome stereotypes.  Can you name any of these scientists and what they did? 

    Mae Jemison - WikipediaElizabeth Garrett Anderson - WikipediaGeorge Washington Carver: Biography, Inventions, Facts - HISTORYTu Youyou – Facts -

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  • Can you name different sources of food?

    Published 10/03/22

    This week the children have all worked really hard completing their Reading and SPaG booklets.  We have been really pleased with all the progress that they have made.  We are looking forward to seeing how they do in their Maths booklets next week.

    In Maths we have been looking at telling time to the nearest 5 minutes.  The children have persevered despite finding it tricky.

    In Science we have been looking at different sources of food.  In Geography we have located China on a map and looked at the surrounding countries.  We then used Google Slides to create a presentation about what we have learnt so far about China.

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  • What is a food chain?

    Published 04/03/22

    This week the children have produced some fantastic retellings of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.  They have worked hard to include expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and a range of punctuation in their writing.

    In Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes.  We have looked at describing them using vocabulary such as vertices, edges and faces.  We have also sorted them into different groups based on their features.

     In DT we have been learning about sources of food.  We have learnt about food hygiene and designed a stirfry.  Each class then made a stir-fry using noodles, broccoli, carrots, peppers and baby sweetcorn.  The children all loved making them and tasting it.

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