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Year 2 News

Here you will find all the news articles from the Year 2 Team.

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  • What are the characteristics of a living thing?

    Published 05/01/23

    Can you remember what MRS GREN stands for?

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  • How can you describe Moz the monster?

    Published 15/12/22
    Wow, what a fantastic end to the term! The children have worked so hard for weeks on their Nativity, and we are so pleased that they ‘shined’ for you all on Monday and Tuesday. Thank you all for your hard work from home, it has really hel
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  • How many songs are there in our Nativity? Can you remember the names?

    Published 08/12/22
    This week has included lots of Nativity practising, and the children are very excited to perform to the school this week (Friday 9th Dec) and to all the parents next week (12th and 13th December). They cannot stop singing the songs and speaking their
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  • What makes a good non-chronological report (fact file)?

    Published 01/12/22

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • How do we recycle? What happens when we recycle?

    Published 24/11/22

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  • What are the names of the continents and oceans of the world?

    Published 18/11/22

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  • What are the key parts of a letter?

    Published 11/11/22
    This week, Year 2 have been practising how to write a letter, imagining they are different characters from The Jolly Postman in order to practise how to write in first person. In Maths, the children have been using number lines and picture representa
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  • What does it mean to be a good friend?

    Published 20/10/22

    This week has been very busy, with lots of exciting activities for the children to take part in! We have been wrapping up this half term’s topic, and have been so impressed by how much the children have remembered about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole - and they particularly enjoyed our Kahoot quizzes. They have also been reviewing some of our sentence types in English and have amazed us with their exclamations! In Maths, we have also revised using ten frames and number lines for adding and subtracting. Finally, we have ended the week with a workshop all about how to be a good friend. We have sent all of the children home with a spelling/handwriting booklet and hope that between all the fun activities over half term, they can find some calm time to practise their handwriting and spelling of key words (plus there are some mindfulness colouring pages for when they need a break).

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  • What is the best material for a monster to be made from?

    Published 14/10/22

    This week we started by exploring World Mental Health day, and talked lots about how to look after our minds, bodies and hearts to be happy and healthy. Across the week we have been learning how to use first-person perspective in our writing, as we imagined we were Florence Nightingale and wrote up our diary. In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting numbers using number lines and ten frames to help us understand how to make bridges across a ten. In History, we earned about Mary Seacole and how she was both similar and different to Florence Nightingale. Finally, we have finished the week by making a material monster, which the children have decorated wonderfully. We were also lucky enough to have a visitor to tell us all about Diwali and let the children dress up and take part in the story he told about the origins of the holiday.

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  • What would make a clear instruction for a Beebot?

    Published 30/09/22

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  • What can you tell me about Gerald the Girrafe?

    Published 23/09/22

    This week the children have been telling us all about how to use adjectives to describe characters from ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ – “Gerald is a silly, crazy giraffe with long bendy legs.” In Maths they have been reviewing some of the learning from the last few weeks, which includes counting in 2s,3s,5s and 10s, as well as understanding what makes 2 digit numbers and how we can partition them in different ways. In Science we have explored how many materials we can find around the school, and talked about why we use these materials differently. We explored the word significant in History, and drew some images of people we thought were significant to us and the world around us. In Computing we have explored the idea of an algorithm being a way of giving instructions to a computer, and in R.E. we have started to investigate why a church is a special place for Christians. The children have been very settled when moving around the school and going into different classrooms for various Reading, Spelling or Phonics groups, and we hope that you find practising reading and spellings at home with your children is a success.

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  • What is your favourite memory in Year 2?

    Published 19/07/22

    Year 2 have coped really well through the heat this week and we have been so impressed at their resilience.  They have made safari vehicles to end our topic on Sensational Safaris and created amazing dens for Den Building Week.

    It has been an absolute pleasure to teach all the children in Year 2 this year and we have been so proud of all of their accomplishments.  They have worked hard all year and made fantastic progress.

    We wish them all the best for Year 3 and hope that you all have a well deserved, relaxing summer.

    Year 2 Team

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