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Year 2 News

Here you will find all the news articles from the Year 2 Team.

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  • What can we learn from the stories of Jesus?

    Published 21/09/23
    Throughout the week in English, the children have been showing us how detailed they can be in their use of adjectives in sentences, as well as adding extra details by using the conjunctions ‘and, but, so’. In Maths, they have been applyin
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  • What are the continents and oceans of the world?

    Published 14/09/23
    This week we have been really working on good classroom behaviours, and working as a team. We have played team games and listening games through PE, and the children have shown that they can really work together nicely. Please continue to encourage y
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  • What is a noun?

    Published 07/09/23
    We have had a brilliant first week in Year 2. The children have been amazing, adjusting to being in their new classrooms, and have resiliently worked through the heat as well. We have spent a lot of our afternoons having some PSHE time to c
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  • What activity would you create for future Sports Days?

    Published 13/07/23
    We have had a wonderful time in school this week. The children have been working very hard in English on their Paperbag Princess writing, and have retold the story in a very detailed way, using lots of interesting vocabulary - well done Year 2. In Ma
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  • What can you tell your grown-ups about your new classroom and new teachers?

    Published 06/07/23
    This week, the children have been looking ahead to Year 3. Not only have they spent time with their new classes, they have also spent time in their new rooms with their new teachers. There has been a real buzz around the school as excitement for the
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  • How are farms an important part of our food chain?

    Published 29/06/23
    This week, Yellow class and some of Buttercup had a wonderful time at Wimbledon Mosque. It was wonderful to come back to school and see all of the children in Year 2 be able to discuss what they had seen and done on their trip. We also completed a mi
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  • Can you explain one way to solve a worded problem?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Published 22/06/23
    This week, Topaz and some of Buttercup had a wonderful time at Wimbledon Mosque. Imam Shaoib was very welcoming, and the children impressed him with how much they already knew. We are looking forward to taking the rest of Buttercup along with Yellow,
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  • Which biome would you want to live in?

    Published 15/06/23
    This week, the children looked at our new text, Meerkat Mail. We have explored the different biomes Sunny travels to across Southern Africa, we have written a list of things he would need to pack by practising our commas in a list, and finally we hav
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  • Where is the Kalahari Desert?

    Published 08/06/23
    This week, the children have begun learning all about Southern Africa. We explored where the Kalahari Desert is, and what it looks like on a map. In English this week, the children have been learning how to accurately use commas in a list. In Maths,
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  • What are the effects of exercise on the human body?

    Published 11/05/23
    Another week of SATs down - this week the children completed their Arithmetic and again, have showed us a lot of resilience, patience and care towards their work. In English, we have started to look at the format and language used in a newspaper
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  • What is a collage? How will we create one?

    Published 04/05/23
    This week the children have been amazing. They have been so sensible and positive towards their first set of SATs booklets, and now most of the children have finished both Reading papers - well done Year 2! Around the booklets, the children have
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