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Year 2 News

Here you will find all the news articles from the Year 2 Team.

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  • Year 2: How can we use the common map symbols to show features of Worcester Park on a map?

    Published 11/10/24
    A huge thank you to the adults who came and supported Year 2 on their walk around Worcester Park on Thursday. We had a brilliant time looking for key features of the area to put on our maps, and the children behaved very sensibly. 
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  • Year 2: What landmarks, human and physical features can you identify from aerial photos of London?​​​​​​​

    Published 02/10/24
    This week, we used our observational skills to understand aerial maps. Through Google Maps and photos, we discovered that London is made up of different areas. We found some natural features, such as Hyde Park and the Thames. We also found many
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  • Year 2: Who is the character in your 500 word story?

    Published 25/09/24
    On Wednesday, the children had the opportunity to watch the BBC live stream, which introduced them to the 500 word story competition. The children were given different activities to complete, to support them in creating different characters
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  • Year 2: What are the common map symbols and why are they used?

    Published 18/09/24
    This week in Geography, the children were quizzed on which map symbols they may have seen around the area before. Symbols such as the P for 'Parking', bus stops and train stations, as well as symbols for schools and parks. We then looked at h
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  • Year 2: What are the continents and oceans and how are they different from each other?

    Published 13/09/24
    We have been recapping what we know about the continents and oceans from Year 1. The children remembered lots of the names of the continents and oceans and could even remember the song they were taught! We then spent some time comparing the contin
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  • Year 2: What are the continents and oceans and how are they different from each other?

    Published 13/09/24
    We have been recapping what we know about the continents and oceans from Year 1. The children remembered lots of the names of the continents and oceans and could even remember the song they were taught! We then spent some time comparing the contin
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  • Year 2: Where do I need to put a capital letter?

    Published 04/09/24
    What a great start Year 2 have had! The children have settled in so well, and have really shown us what they are capable of. We are really enjoying getting to know each other. In our learning time, we have been checking in that we remember some of
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  • Year 2: What can you remember about biomes?

    Published 16/07/24
    This week, the children consolidated their knowledge of biomes by creating a fact file on their Chromebooks. The children were asked to research the climate, the plant life and the animals of the area; which make up the biome.  An expect
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  • Year 2: What is the importance of good hygiene?

    Published 11/07/24

    We've had such an amazing and busy week with events like Sports Day and our drumming performance! But what else have Year 2 been up to? ...

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  • Year 2: What can we do to protect our environment?

    Published 05/07/24
    Our Geography and PSHE were linked this week, as we explored how climate change affects the environment in Southern Africa, and what we can do about it. After a very thoughtful discussion on how climate change is affecting the lives of people, plants
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  • Year 2: What are the different biomes of Southern Africa, and how do they compare to the UK?

    Published 27/06/24
    On our Wow Day, we investigated the different biomes of Southern Africa. We learned all about the weather, temperature, climate, wildlife and plants. We then used those facts to work together in teams to create a shoebox biome.&nb
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  • Year 2: What do animals, including humans, need to survive?

    Published 20/06/24
    This week in Science, the children were talking about things that are essential for animal survival: food, water and air. They then made some wonderful posters about different animals, to describe how we would look after them. We recognised the
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