Year 1 news 22/09/23
Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
This week, we have been reading a new story called 'Dear Dinosaur' where a little boy called Max writes to a T-Rex in a museum to find out more about him. We have been practising writing our own letters this week in preparation for our first star write next week! In Maths, we have been comparing numbers to find out which ones are greater or less than the other. We have started learning all about dinosaurs and how we know they existed. We searched in the sand for bones and fossils and also learnt about how their teeth and poo can tell us a lot about them. In RE, we looked at how we can show that we are thankful to the people that we care about. We have also developed our confidence by thinking about all the things we like about ourselves.
What is your favourite thing about yourself and why?