What is a wild plant?
The children have had an enjoyable week at school and have been busy enjoying their topic 'Enchanted Woodlands.'
In Literacy, the children have worked really hard on their summer term booklets. They have completed a reading, spelling and grammar booklet. We have looked at improving sentences, adding adjectives and conjunctions to our sentences and using the correct punctuation.
In Maths, we have introduced the children to fractions. They have spent time finding 1/2 of a shape and number and 1/4 of a shape and number. The children used the shapes in the classroom and looked at how they could split them into equal parts.
In Science, we have continued to look at plants and the different types of plants we have around the school grounds.
In Geography, we looked at our school grounds and the human and physical features there are. The children then spent time creating a map of the school and included a key.