What are the features of a postcard?
The children have had a busy last week of half-term and enjoyed finishing their topic 'Commotion in the Ocean.'
In Literacy, the children continued to use the story 'The Snail and The Whale' to support them with their writing. They worked hard writing postcards pretending they were the snail or the whale and told their friends all about their adventures. The children tried hard to remember their capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. This half-term we have been working on asking questions and using 'and' in our sentences and lots of the children remembered this when they were writing their postcard.
In Maths, we have been looking at adding through 10 and the children have spent time using ten frames to help them show the answer. This half-term we have been looking at number bonds to 20 and the children are trying hard to remember all the number facts to help them.
We have spent time looking at how to stay safe on the Internet and the children spent time thinking about the right and wrong thing to do. We discussed not sharing any details with people and making sure we don't say unkind things.