What is an algorithm?
This week in English we have been learning that conjunctions are joining words that can link two sentences together, or extend a sentence. We have been focussing on how to use the conjunction 'and' both verbally and in our writing.
In Maths we have been looking at the numbers 14 to 20. We have been learning to identify and represent these numbers in different ways.
In Computing we have been learning about algorithms and how they are used. We recapped what we learnt in Autumn 1 about beebots and programming them and then applied our learning to using Scratch Jnr on the iPads. The children used action commands to program their sprite to move. They then explored how to change their sprites and edit the background.
In Science we investigated different materials and in DT we designed puppets that we will be making this half term. In Geography we learnt about the seas that surround the UK .