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Year 1 News

Here you will find all the latest news about our learning in Year 1.

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  • What were holidays like 100 years ago?

    Published 16/06/23

    This week in English we have been learning to use suffixes.  We have looked at the suffixes 'er' and 'est and used them to write comparative sentences.  We have also looked at using 's' and 'es' to make words plural.  In Maths, we have been learning to find doubles and halves of different amounts and finding halves of shapes.  The children enjoyed taking their Maths outside this week to work practically.  

    In Science, we looked at what plants need in order to grow.  We planted potatoes outside our classrooms and can't wait to see them grow!  The children looked at mixes primary colours in Art, to make secondary colours, and produced some lovely artwork. In History, we looked at what holidays in Britain were like 100 years ago. 

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  • What is a prefix?

    Published 08/06/23

    This week is English, we have been learning about prefixes.  We have been focussing on the prefix 'un' and how this can change the meaning of the root word.  We have also been having some additional phonics practice in preparation for the phonics screening check next week.

    In Maths, we have been working practically to recognise equal and unequal groups.  We have also been adding in 2s, 5s and 10s to help us add equal groups and we have been learning how to make arrays.

    The children really enjoyed learning about primary colours in Art, and how they can make secondary colours using them.  We used play dough to mix the colours and made purple, green and orange.  In Science, we looked at the different plants that grow around our school and in History we looked at the features of a seaside holiday.

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  • What are the physical and human features of Tocuaro?

    Published 26/05/23

    The children have all worked really hard this term and we are sure are looking forward to a well deserved break!  We have been so impressed at seeing how well their Phonics is doing and the improvements in their reading - Well done Year 1.

    In English this week we have been reading 'Pirate Mums'.  We have been learning about conjunctions and have been using 'and' and 'because' to extend our sentences.  In Maths, we have begun looking at multiplciation and have been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

    In Computing we have been learning how to stay safe online and the importance of keeping personal information private. The children enjoyed learning about how temperature changes through the seasons in Science and in Geography they made some brilliant comparisons of the physical and human features in Worcester Park to Tocuaro in Mexico.

    We were very lucky to have Nabhi visit us on Tuesday and explain to us all about his Hundu faith.

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  • How can we investigate wind direction?

    Published 19/05/23

    This week in English we have been learning how to write instructions.  We have been using time adverbs and imperative verbs in our writing.  We wrote instructions on how to wash our hands, brush our teeth and how to make a smoothie.  In Maths, we have been measuring and comparing capacity.  

    The children learnt about wind direction in Science and began making wind socks so that they can investigate which direction the wind is blowing.  In Geography, we looked at the physical and human features of Tocuaro and in RE we learnt about where Hindus go to worship.

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  • Which smoothie was your favourite?

    Published 12/05/23

    This week we have been learning how to write instructions in English.  We have looked at the features of instruction writing and identified different time adverbs and imperative verbs that can be used.

    In Maths, we have been looking at measuring mass using non-standard units.  The children were identifying weights of different objects and comparing their mass.

    In DT we made three different smoothies.  The children all got a chance to taste each one and were excited to try new things.  Despite not liking the look of the green one (with spinach), the children were surprised that they liked it.

    How to Make a Fruit Smoothie + 5 Easy Recipes! - Evolving Table

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  • What does past tense mean?

    Published 21/04/23

    This week in English we have been learning about verbs and past and present tense.  We have been learning how to add the 'ed' suffix to make words past tense and how to add the 'ing' suffix to make a verb present tense.  

    In Maths, we have been learning to count larger numbers by adding the 10s first.  We have then been practising partitioning the numbers into tens and ones.

    In Computing we recapped how to create Sprites suing Scratch Junior.  In Science, we have been looking at weather forecasts and how to record them. In DT, we have been learning the difference between fruits and vegetables and in Geography, we have been learning the different continents and where they are in relation to the oceans. 

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  • How can you make ice melt quickly?

    Published 17/03/23

    This week we have learning how to create drawings using Google Docs.  We learnt how to create different types of lines, changes the colours and insert shapes. In Science we have been investigating how make ice melt quickly to rescue toys which had been frozen inside. In PSHE, we learnt the different parts of the body and what their uses are and in History we researched how castles have changed over time.

    In Maths, we have been learning to subtract by finding the difference and have learnt how to find related facts.  We have been very impressed in English where the children wrote excellent character descriptions of a prince and wrote exclamation sentences.  

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  • What did the first castles look like?

    Published 03/03/23

    This week in English we have been retelling the story of 'The Deep Dark Woods'.  The children wrote some great stories and used adjectives to add detail to their writing.  In Maths, we have been subtracting using numbers and counting back to help us.

    In Science the children enjoyed investigating which materials would be best for fixing a torn umbrella and in Art they shaped paper to make a 3D drawing.  In History, we learnt about what the first motte and bailey castles were like and the children worked hard to create replicas of them.  In RE we learnt about how the Jewish festival of Sukkot is celebrated.  

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  • What is Sukkot?

    Published 24/02/23

    This week we have been reading 'The Deep Dark Woods'.  We have been writing character descriptions to describe the wolf and learning to ask questions and use question marks correctly.  The children enjoyed hot seating and taking on the role of the different characters.

    In Maths, we have been learning to find doubles of numbers and then using this knowledge to find near doubles.  The children have also been practising their mental maths to complete their challenges.

    In Computing, we have been researching e-cards and will be making some this half term.  In Science we discussed how we could test which material would be best to repair a torn umbrella, in preparation for completing the experiment next week.

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  • What is the Pacific Ocean like?

    Published 09/02/23

    The children really enjoyed their Science experiment this week investigating which materials were most suitable for building a house for the Three Little Pigs.  They were able to use descriptive language to identify the properties of different materials and explain why some materials were better than others.

    In English, we learnt how to use exclamation marks to express emotions.  We also learnt how to write exclamation sentences such as 'What colourful fish they are!' linked to our story Somebody Swallowed Stanley.

    In Geography, we learnt about the Pacific Ocean and identified its features.  We then compared the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.  In Computing this half term we have been creating algorithms to program a sprite to dance.  We have know learnt how to add sound to our codes.

    In Maths, we have been building our understanding of numbers to 20 and using our number bonds to 10 to help us recognise our number bonds to 20.

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  • What did you like about your puppet? How could you improve it?

    Published 03/02/23

    The children have all worked really hard this week on their Star Writes!  We read 'Barry and the Fish with Fingers' and learnt about how to write in first person and how to write letters.  We then made party invitations to celebrate that Barry had rescued Puffy.  We have been really impressed by the progress they are making in their writing.

    In Maths we have been learning to order numbers to 20 and add by counting on.  In Computing we learnt how to turn a dance algorithm into a code for a sprite to follow. In Geography we have been learning about the Atlantic Ocean and its features.  In RE we learnt about why the synagogue is a special place to Jewish people and discussed our own special places.

    On Wednesday we did DT for the day and the children produced some brilliant puppets.  The children can't wait to bring them home to show them to you.

    Well done to Red Class for a brilliant assembly!  They performed superbly and impressed everyone with how much they have learnt this half term.

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  • What was your favourite part about the SeaLife Centre?

    Published 20/01/23

    Year 1 have had a brilliant week and have all enjoyed their trip to the SeaLife Centre.  The children were all well-behaved and excited to go.  They loved seeing all the different sea creatures and touching the starfish.

    In English, we have been writing setting descriptions to describe the beach in 'Clean Up'.  We discussed what we need to do to keep our environment clean.  We then wrote so great recounts about our trip to London.

    In Maths, we have been finding one more and one less of numbers to 20.  We have been using number lines to order numbers to 20.

    In Geography, we have been learning about the five oceans and in Science we have been looking at the properties of different materials.

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