Nursery Rhyme Week

Week beginning 15 November 2021
What did the sleeping bunnies do when they woke up?
This week Reception has been immersed in World Nursery Rhyme Week. On Monday all the teachers came to school dressed as Sleeping Bunnies and hopped about while trying to teach a whole variety of Nursery Rhyme characters who came to school that day! The children have been Down in the Jungle Where Nobody Goes and played a game of Incey Wincey Spider to see which spider can get to the top of the drainpipe first - this uses our counting skills as well as developing the ability to take turns. The children have been threading spools while they Wind the Bobbin Up and identifying parts of their body with a fast-paced Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes! Outside they have experienced a jungle swamp and have also had great fun throwing beanbags as high as they can to help develop their shoulder muscles. Bronze Class had a creative time at Forest School, each making their own 'Stick Man', which is our newest 3-a-day story by Julia Donaldson. Copper Class are looking forward to making theirs next week.