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Tchoukball Festival

Our mixed team did our school proud at the Tchoukball Festival today.

Tchoukball may be a sport that few have heard of.  It is a mixed gender, non-contact sport, developed in the 1970s to try to come up with a competitive sport that didn't carry an increased risk of injury.  In the game, there is no tackling, blocking or obstruction of players and no interceptions of passes allowed, which means that players of different height and build can play together without impacting their game. The main skill needed to play tchoukball is the ability to catch and throw the ball; it is great for hand-eye coordination and development of transferable skills. 

Another great thing abut Tchoukball is its onomatopoeic name - this comes from the sound of the ball hitting the net of a Tchoukball frame.

Our children really enjoyed the opportunity to learn and play a new sport together, and represented their school wonderfully.  Well done to you all.