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We are still cutting our carbon this month!

Cut Your Carbon Month

How are we getting on trying to cut our carbon?

What have you done so far to reduce your carbon footprint?

Well done to Lilly from Blue Class who has completed all 9 of her challenges already.

Remember to send in your photos of how you, and your family are cutting your carbon in your houses.

Send your photos to:

In Eco Club this week we talked about how Fast fashion is the second biggest polluter on the planet. Our want to buy lots of new clothes that we don't need, is having a huge impact on our environment. To find out more, visit:

With our want to protect our environment, Eco Club set out to tidy our playground. The children cleared half a bin bag of rubbish from the bushes and off the ground within only 30 minutes. Well done to our conscientious Dorchester eco members.