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Eco News

News relating to our Eco-Council, Eco Club and initiatives that care for our world.

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  • Local litter pick

    Published 27/03/24

    Dorchester Eco Club and some Eco Councillors took part in a local litter pick this week as part of the Great British Spring Clean. The devoted pickers ventured out, despite the rain and helped to tidy up the front of the school, then through to the back of Dorchester Playground. I am very proud of these active citizens who chose to spend their free time working to keep our environment clean, making it more pleasurable and helping  the local wildlife stay safe.

    Congratulations to Sapphire Class who were the winners of the Golden Trainer for the most green journeys to school during the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel fortnight. They will be getting an extra playtime as their reward.

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  • World Water Day

    Published 22/03/24

    Eco Club this week learnt about World Water Day Friday 22nd May 2024. This year’s theme is:

    We talked about the importance of reducing our water consumption, keeping our water clean and helping people across the world access the clean water we all have a right to. The children loved learning about how we can help to reduce our water pollution by using more natural and biodegradable alternatives. 

    Did you know you can use soap nuts as a natural alternative to washing liquid? 

    Here is a lovely piece of work one our conscientious year 6 students created about what she’d learnt. Safiyya was fascinated to learn that only 2.5% of the world’s water is fresh water. The other 97.5% exists in the oceans. 

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  • Big Walk and Wheel

    Published 08/03/24

    Dorchester will be taking part in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel over the next two weeks, starting on Monday 11-22 March. We are encouraging everyone to switch from getting to school by car, to either; walking, scooting, riding a bike or skating to school. The class who has the most green journeys to school will win The Golden Trainer Award. To find out more about this event you can visit:

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  • World Wildlife Day

    Published 01/03/24

    Eco Club this week we’re learning about World Wildlife Day which falls on Sunday 3rd March. This Years theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation. 

    We talked about how certain animals endangered and how humans have made adaptations to help in the conservation of them. The children shared their disbelief that anyone would actually want to not look after these beautiful animals. They expressed their wish to help and to understand better. 

    To find out more visit:

    Don't forget to tell your family and friends to donate their clothes too, to our school charity clothing bank. 

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  • World Day of Social Justice

    Published 23/02/24

    How much do you know about the UN?

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  • 35.8 MILLION plastics bottles used EVERY DAY in the UK, only 19.8 million getting recycled!

    Published 09/02/24

    This week in Eco Club the children learnt about closed cycle recycling and how the government are aiming to introduce a deposit return scheme across the country in 2025. The idea is designed to encourage waste to be recycled correctly at the deposit return sites in return for a cash voucher, thus helping to close the loop on recycling and production of packaging like bottles.

    Did you know..?

    According to 35.8 MILLION plastics bottles are used EVERY DAY in the UK with only 19.8 million of those getting recycled!

    To find out more visit:

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  • Keep your unused clothes out of landfill

    Published 02/02/24

    Remember that you can donate your unused/spare clothing - don't let it end up in landfill.

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  • World Wetlands Day - 2nd February 2024

    Published 02/02/24

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Why it is so important to save energy

    Published 19/01/24

    This week in Eco Club we looked at why it is so important for us to try and save energy, not only in school but at home. We talked about the environmental and the financial impact of awarding energy. The children designed poster to promote energy saving. 

    “It’s important to save energy to help the environment so the human race can continue” 

    Safiyya, Year 6 

    To find out more about how you can save energy visit: 

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  • Can Christmas be sustainably celebrated?

    Published 15/12/23
    This week in Eco Club we talked about how to have a more sustainable Christmas. One way you can do this is by using and eating up all your leftovers. The children came up with brilliant ideas like leftover pie or sandwiches and even talked about gift
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  • Cut your Carbon Campaign Winner

    Published 15/12/23
    Well done and Congratulations to Rose from Buttercup Class who was the prize draw winner in our Cut Your Carbon Campaign. Well done with all your efforts to help to cut your carbon and for being a champion eco ambassador.  Rose won this beaut
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