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Eco News

News relating to our Eco-Council, Eco Club and initiatives that care for our world.

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  • We are still cutting our carbon this month!

    Published 24/11/23
    Cut Your Carbon Month How are we getting on trying to cut our carbon? What have you done so far to reduce your carbon footprint? Well done to Lilly from Blue Class who has completed all 9 of her challenges already. Remember to send in you
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  • Hedgehogs and Cut your Carbon

    Published 17/11/23
    This week in Eco Club we learnt about our hibernating wildlife, including hedgehogs. Hedgehogs are in decline in Britain and are now listed as "Vulnerable" on Britain's red list of mammals. According to the latest Stat
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  • Eco Memorial - ‘make do and mend’

    Published 10/11/23
    In Eco Club this week, we talked about living more sustainably and reusing things where possible. With that in mind, we salvaged our remembrance wreath from last year and in true ‘make do and mend’ style, we created a new biodegradable&nb
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  • Logo Competition

    Published 03/11/23
    Congratulations to Harry from Amber Class who won the Design a logo competition within Eco Council. His winning design will become the logo we use at Dorchester for all things Eco. Well done Harry!
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  • Cut Your Carbon Month

    Published 03/11/23

    This week our lovely Eco Council presented an amazing assembly to the school about Cut Your Carbon Month. 

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  • Recycling Week 2023

    Published 19/10/23

    How to recycle effectively!

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  • World Migratory Bird Day

    Published 13/10/23
    Eco Club this week looked at World Migratory Bird Day 14th October 2023 here is Mokshitha and Thomas showing their work. "The birds migrate to warmer countries to find food and survive the winter." Mokshitha told us. UN W
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  • Caring for our Endangered Animals

    Published 05/10/23

    What percentage of animals that live on Earth are wild?

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  • Sutton Library of Things

    Published 05/10/23

    Libraries are not just for books.

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  • Eco Council 2023-24

    Published 29/09/23

    Our new Eco-Council are trained and ready for action.

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  • Our Recycling Centre

    Published 28/09/23

    We now have a recycling centre outside the school office.

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  • Finding out about Habitats

    Published 28/09/23

    World Habitat Day - Monday 2nd October 

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