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Year 4 News

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  • Year 4: Australia Day the Year 4 way.

    Published 01/02/24
    As promised more news about our Australia day celebrations. We were looking at the whole area of Australian culture. We used cotton buds to create Aboriginal-inspired art, baked Anzac biscuits and understood how remembrance was celebrated differ
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  • Year 4: G'day Mate! How ya going?

    Published 25/01/24
    This week we have been learning about all things Australian. Through our English we have been learning about the Dreamtime Stories, including some of the very greedy, selfish characters such as Tiddalick the giant frog. Tomorrow (Friday) we will be c
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  • Year 4: What's that noise?

    Published 18/01/24
    Sound is all around us, and for those of us who are fortunate to hear it, there are so many sounds around us all the time. Year 4 have been looking at how sound changes with different pitches. This links so closely to our music and tuning the ukulele
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  • Year 4: We're going to the land down-under!

    Published 11/01/24
    G'day! This week we have jumped straight into our new Geography topic where we are learning about all things Australian. It is just a shame that it is too far to travel for a school trip! We are looking forward to our Australia Day celebrati
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  • Year 4 - What is your favourite time of Christmas?

    Published 21/12/23
    During the last few weeks we have really enjoyed learning about Christmas traditions from around the world. We have been able to celebrate the diversity of our Dorchester Community with Christmas around the world. If you would like to find out more p
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  • Year 4 - Was he guilty? Let's find out!

    Published 14/12/23
    At Buzz Club this week the children put together a mock trial. Jackie Jones was the defendant accused of hitting a cyclist in a white sports car. The class had researched the jury system during the previous weeks, and had spent time prepari
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  • Year 4: Any builders and architects in the making?

    Published 07/12/23
    Our Geography this week looked at what happens in an earthquake and how buildings have developed to be safer in these areas of the week. We created a 'building' using spaghetti and marshmallows, then used a tray of jelly to see how stable it
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  • Year 4 - How have we shown our best creativity this week?

    Published 30/11/23
    This week, we have been getting creative by making our decorations for our Christmas hoops that will decorate the hall ready for the Christmas fair on Saturday. We have been using a range of recycled materials to create different decorations acr
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  • Year 4: How do we stay safe on the roads?

    Published 23/11/23
     We started the week by thinking about road safety, as it is Road Safety week. We thought about how to keep safe as it is getting darker earlier and the best places to cross the road. Our Lollipop lady, Yippee, does an amazing job taking care of
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  • Year 4 - Journey to the centre of the Earth... almost!

    Published 17/11/23
    This week took Year 4 on a virtual journey to the centre of the Earth - well almost! Through our English and Geography lessons we have been learning about how a volcano erupts and how this affected the city of Pompeii when Vesuvius covered it in 79AD
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  • Year 4: So what's new in Year 4?

    Published 09/11/23
    The highlight of the week, as well as all our exciting learning, was most definitely being able to open the new Playpod for the first time and use some of the new equipment to encourage creative play. We used tyres, suitcases, keyboards and even
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  • Year 4: Where in the world could we feel the earth move beneath our feet with an earthquake or a volcano?

    Published 03/11/23
    This week we travelled around the world virtually with Google Earth and our atlases to discover where we can find Volcanoes and Mountains. We discovered where we might experience the world moving beneath our feet if there is an earthquake. There
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