Nursery: Who can build the tallest tower?
This week in Nursery, we continued to talk about different jobs that people have that make them real-life superheroes. We have learnt that the police do not just “arrest bad guys,” they can also help if people are lost and teach us how to keep things safe. We also learnt that firefighters do not just put out fires; they can help people who are trapped. We had a visit from a parent who is an occupational therapist and it was fascinating to find out how she helps people. Next week Yippy is coming to talk to us about how she keeps us safe when we cross the road.
For our Maths learning, we have continued to explore the language of size and the children have been competing to make the tallest and smallest towers. We have also introduced Maths Meetings to review all of the Maths learning that we have learnt so far. The children have also become very confident when reading our calendars to count down how many days until special events like birthdays or dress-up days.