Nursery: Can you make up your own story?
This week in Nursery, we have continued to enjoy the Naughty Bus story by Jan and Jerry Oke. The children have been drawing story maps to create their own Naughty Bus stories. They have been very creative thinking about some of the things that the Naughty bus could do at school. We have seen some fantastic story maps where the children have drawn very detailed pictures thinking about the colours and shapes that they are using. This has been very good to develop the children’s early writing and storytelling skills. The children have also been taking it in turns to create their own helicopter stories, where they dictate a story to an adult and then act out the story in their key worker groups. The children are developing a good understanding of what it is like to be an author or an actor. We have also started to read the story ‘Sam’s Sandwich’ by David Pelham. The children have started to draw shopping lists so that we can buy the ingredients that they would like in a sandwich. We will be making sandwiches next week and the children will be able to eat them in school. Please make sure that we have up to date information about your child’s dietary requirements.