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Nursery: How do you make a repeating pattern?

We have been continuing to discuss the Nativity story and thinking about why Christmas is an important celebration for Christians. The children have learnt most of our nativity songs and are making the links between the songs and the story. They have all learnt the Makaton actions and understand how Makaton can help people who have difficulty hearing or speaking. We have been thinking about some of the different things that we all do to celebrate Christmas. We have talked about the different decorations that we see and we have even tried to make our own decorations.

In Maths, we having been learning to continue a repeating pattern using two colours for example red, green, red, green, red, green. Some of the children were able to use patterns when making Christmas baubles and these look fantastic! For our Phonics learning we have been looking at objects beginning with the ‘t’ phoneme. We played a game called Bertha the Bus and Bertha the bus saw lots of animals beginning with ‘t’ phoneme including a turkey, a turtle, a tiger and a tortoise.