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Nursery: Take One Picture. How did you create your self-portrait?

This week in Nursery, we have joined in with the whole school Take One Picture event. This is a national programme for primary schools, which aims to inspire a lifelong love of art and learning. We have been looking at ‘The Courtyard of a House in Delft’ by Pieter de Hooch. The children have enjoyed talking about the painting and saying what they can see. They have labelled the objects like ‘a broom’, ‘a door’, ‘a bucket.’ They have also been interested in the people with some children asking; “who is this?” they have also, commented, “I can see the girl and Mummy.” Elodie said, “There’s a girl like me.” This prompted lots of discussion about seeing ourselves in the painting and lead us to make some self-portraits which we have created using a variety of different materials. I think you will agree that they have made some fantastic artwork. Some of the children were also really interested in the arch which they called “a tunnel” so we have enjoyed using different materials to try and make different ‘tunnels.’