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Nursery Can you retell a story?

We have had another very busy week in nursery. The children have continued to learn different facts about farmyard animals and we learnt that cows make milk for us to drink. The children had lots of fun trying to milk the cow that they had made and it was harder than we thought. This provided lots of practise to develop our hand muscles and hand-eye coordination.

The children have also been learning to be designers, builders and architects. They have been working really hard to draw the models they have made. They have then been thinking about how they could give instructions to help a friend to recreate the model.

We have also been celebrating how well the children have learnt the 3 a day stories that we have been learning all year. The children have been taking it in turns to be the teacher and read the stories to the rest of the class. They have been fantastic and it is lovely to hear the expression and excitement in their voices as they read!