What facts can you tell us about Kenya?
What a busy week! This week in Nursery we have been reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise' by Eileen Browne. This book is about a girl named ‘Handa’, who packs seven delicious fruits to surprise her friend named ‘Ayeko’. However, on the way she meets seven hungry animals, leaving Handa with a surprise. The children have enjoyed talking about the different African animals they saw in the book and the fruits. On Friday, we enjoyed tasting different fruits that grow in Africa like pineapple, avocado and mango.
The children have been learning about Kenya in east Africa and finding out what animals and fruits they can see there. We learnt about the Maasai people who live in Kenya and enjoyed making some of their traditional necklaces. We flew on an aeroplane to Kenya and enjoyed a safari, looking for the different animals. The children then recreated what they had seen, painting their very own animals thinking about the colour of the animal and the features that they needed to include. We also used recycled materials to make our own animal models. For Maths, the children have continued to gain confidence when sorting objects to different criteria and they have sorted by animal prints and the habitats where different animals live.