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Nursery News

It is very busy in our Nursery classes.  On this page you can keep up with everything that is going on, see all the different ways our children learn and have a look at their amazing work.

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  • Nursery: Who helped to pull the Gigantic Turnip?

    Published 15/03/24
    This week in Nursery we have been reading the story of the Gigantic Turnip. In this story, an old man and an old woman plant some seeds to grow vegetables.  One of the turnips grows to be gigantic, so the old man cannot pull it up by himself.&nb
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  • Nursery: What techniques can you use to change paper to make a piece of art?

    Published 08/03/24
    This week in Nursery we have been reading the book 'Beautiful Oops!' by Barney Saltzberg. This book has helped us to understand that it is fine to make mistakes and sometimes what starts as a mistake can become a great success! We have explor
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  • Nursery: Can you build a den?

    Published 01/03/24
    This week in nursery we have received some new den making resources. The children have been very creative designing houses, boats and cars. We have been sharing these resources and seeing if we can make them big enough for lots of our friends to fit
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  • Nursery: How can you help someone at home?

    Published 23/02/24
    This week in nursery we have been reading the story of ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes.’ Mr Wolf does not know how to make pancakes so he gets a recipe book to find out. However, Mr Wolf cannot read so he asks his neighbours to help. He also as
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  • Workshops for Families on Transitions

    Published 21/02/24

    Please see the following attachment.

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  • Nursery: Why is Yippy one of our school superheroes?

    Published 09/02/24
    Wow! What a busy but super exciting week we have had in Nursery this week. We have been learning all about Lunar New Year and how it is celebrated. Some people refer to this festival as Chinese New Year but it is not only celebrated in China, it is a
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  • Nursery: What different things do Firefighters do to help people?

    Published 02/02/24
    This week in nursery, the children have been role-playing different scenarios and thinking about how firefighters and police officers help people. We have learnt that you can ask a Police officer for help if you are lost and firefighters can help peo
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  • Nursery: Family Fine Motor Fun

    Published 26/01/24
    This week in Nursery we invited parents and carers to come and join us for our Early birds sessions. We focused on fine motor activities and it was lovely to see everyone strengthening their fingers together. The parents/carers all participated with
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  • Nursery: What would you like to be when you grow up?

    Published 19/01/24
    This week in Nursery we have been thinking about the different jobs that people do. We have read the book 'A Superhero like you' by Dr. Ranj. In this book a girl called Lily tells her mother that she wants to be a superhero but a real su
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  • Nursery: What do you see and how do you see it?

    Published 12/01/24
    This week in Nursery we have been learning all about subitising. This is when we are able to instantly recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them. The children know that "our eyes are really clever and we can
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  • Nursery: Can you retell the Elf Chase story?

    Published 21/12/23
    This week in nursery we have been reading the Elf Chase story about a group of rabbits who go looking for ten elves. On their way they find lots of Christmas objects including a candy cane, robins, reindeer and Santa's sleigh. After their adventu
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  • Nursery: Can you make a repeating pattern?

    Published 15/12/23
    Wow! The children in Nursery made us all very proud with their fantastic singing, signing and dancing for our Nativity! They remembered all of their makaton signs and showed real confidence when performing in front of a hall full of people. They have
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